Monday, July 25

browsin' around

As i was browsing around some of the websites.. i was like talking to myself, what am i doing now wandering aimlessly around the internet wasting my time. And then, i had this tune going on in my head which was "Chariot" by Gavin Degraw. The song is pretty infectious though after hearing as of now it s like replaying a couple of times in my head.

Check out the new album.. It's an 11 track album with other nice tunes like "follow up"
and "I don't wanna be".

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Saturday, July 23

New stuff coming about

Just about i was reading the local newspaper a few days ago, it has come to my attention that google has been introducing lots of new stuff around, well specifically on that paper on the computer section, reads GOOGLE EARTH. But hey this is some of the new stuff there have been introducing other than the ubiquitous gmail adsense program which everybody seems to have. I guess though the gmail is kind of like u need to invite people to start an account practiclly everyone that i know of are in the gmail culture, if thats the right word. AND THE CAPACITY KEEPS INCREASING, I guess now it should be about 2.4gb + and counting...

So what's this google earth, well guys you can check it out at GOOGLE EARTH to find out more about it. well anyway this is briefly what its about.

Well it contains thousands of pictures of cities, towns of countries around the world, well as of now most of it is america, down to an accuracy of a metre. it provides really sort of a bird's eye view, well in fact better than that at very high resolution pictures, so if u dont have a graphic card screw it. but anyway check out the website and there are specific requirmeents which your computer must have before enjoying it. well it's really good though, when i firt used it it was like OMG,,,WOW... because you can actually locate what's behind that building, or how many trees grow around it, but ahem....NO... people walking about. this is not some LIVE streaming video... and wont see yourself in front of the screen with your jaw so low that it would touch the floor.

Anyway take a look at it. There's a free version of it and some other upgrades where you need to pay for it.

Google Earth
Google Earth Plus
Google Earth Pro

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Friday, July 22

back again.....

after departing the blogging scene for a long time, finally i decided that i should post something. Ok i really dunno what to post of now my mind is still kind of stuck with things, medical stuff.

Exams, stress the thought of many more things to come, more studies and more clinic viits. Wow now i know what it feels like to become a doctor, not an easy feat. Well i can sit down here in front of the screen and explain about my life as a student doctor. but words ain't enough and if any of you guys happen to read about my post pleases email me and i will give u a good talk on what its like to become a future doctor. so i spare you guys the boredom of having to read it here.

ok just in case you guys wanna know, i will post some links on this site. Some medical related stuff and websites. Below is the link to one of the companies distributing medical books.

Elsevier website

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