Are the XY species going less??
"If you are thinking of having children and want to have a boy, you might want to book that romantic weekend getaway soon. Boys are getting harder to make, according to a new analysis.
Worldwide, a handful of extra boys have historically been born for every 100 girls. Boys are also more likely to die young, so it all works out by the time they start dating."
Not too sure of the facts here. Since the article referred to only 2 studies. See below >>>>
"Devra Lee Davis of the University of Pittsburgh and her colleagues gathered data on U.S birth ratios from the National Center for Health Statistics. From 1970 to 2001, they found, the number of boys born for every 100 girls dropped steadily from 105.5 to 104.6. Male births among U.S. whites dropped even more steeply, from 105.9 per 100 girls to 104.7."
"The researchers found similar declines in Japan, another industrialized country with excellent birth records. They also found that the proportion of deaths among fetuses after the 20th week of pregnancy (before that, gender can be difficult to determine) has steadily risen in both countries. The data suggest that some, but not all, of the decline in male births is because of fetal loss. The remainder appears to be because of fewer males being conceived."Does this mean that the world would soon run out of men and is this a good thing? Should we be all concern about this information?
Well if you ask me, I wouldn't but it is worth exploring since those claims came from two countries whose health care system is one of the best in the world but I would not be able to tell if the study carried out is of good quality. How was the study carried out? Were they any difficulties in obtaining accurate data? Though it has does not provide reasons for these claims still I wouldn't believe it yet until more studies are carried out.
But it seems strangely convenient for data to appear in two first world countries to make a claim that "Worldwide a handful of extra boys have historically been born for every 100 girls....." when the 100 girls actually came from US. The lower male births could be attributed to the rapid pace of development for Japan and US, which could have been due to chemicals in the food, water or lifestyle.
If you ask me, these claims are simply atrocious because there don't represent the world as a whole. And if the male species is going extinct, I don't think that two countries can decide the fate of the male species in general.
OK, let's clear this out. The reason why I post this is not in any way, a form of male sexism or chauvinism. As a medical student, more so for a medical research student, we have learned not to accept every darn information from research studies or papers.
Read this on Y chromosome not going extinct. >>>> Link
Because strong claims and even weak claims could have so much impact towards society, that suddenly you see many people start to believe in something so medically significant to the point that they are willing to make dramatic changes in their lives like the antioxidant scam.
You see most people, believe that taking antioxidant pills or tablets will give you a better quality of life. Antioxidants actually prevent damage to cells thus allowing its repair and growth amongst its many functions. Some oxidants can set a precedence towards cancer for example gastric cancer and colon cancer. Unfortunately according to a study, antioxidants administered in pill form is no more effective than taking a placebo.
A meta-analysis study carried out produced some shocking results which is quite a bitter pill to swallow for some...
>>>>>In fact some studies have actually proved that antioxidants cause a SLIGHT INCREASE in cancer.
So for those who wants to still take antioxidants take it from fruits and vegetables.
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