Are you LOST??
As some of you have known, especially the avid LOST followers, Season 3 has recently come to an end. And the ending is great but there are even more questions arise from the season finale.
There was a recent announcement that the remaining 3 series, which makes LOST a full six season series. The last 3 seasons will run uninterrupted for 16 episodes culminating in a shocking finale in 2009-2010.
The numbers "48 15 16 23 42" is a lottery number which earned Hugo a.k.a Hurley nearly 150 million dollars.
Can u imagine what would you do with that amount of money??
Of course Hugo went on a spending spree, buying a huge mansion, a shop of his own which all got destroyed by some strange series of events. His winnings instead brought him more misery and disaster and from dat day on, he believed that those numbers are CURSED. AS he had discovered from some dude in a rehabiliation centre.
In LOST, those numbers actually appear again and again in the show,
- Oceanic Flight 815
- The sum of all the numbers, 48+15+16..... equals to 108 which is the time frame where Desmond had to enter the number in the Swan station.
- Hugo's winning lottery ticket number.
- There were 48 survivors in the fuselage section
- The monk telling Desmond they have only 108 bottles of wine.
- Roman Numbers on a diagram, one of them is 108.
(Enzo Valenzetti is a fictitious character in the LOST World)
Walt returned in the final episode, looking older than the Walt we used to see. Michael wasn't there though. Walt instructed Locke in this final episode to wake up because "he has work to do...."
What I believe here, is that the entire island is situated in a time zone where everything seems to be moving slower than the outside world. So when, Ben let Michael and Walt go, few years may have already passed but on the island it was just a couple of months.
Walts Mission....
This is what I believe, Walt might have come back to the Island to instruct Locke to accomplish a task which could have been ruined by Ben. Ben seemed like a man who's bent on accomplishing something noble, probably to save the world as most part of the series have told us but more likely he's a man with a hidden agenda bent on achieving something totally different for his self-interest which might explain why Jacob said "Help me..." to John Locke.
John Locke...

John Locke would be able to stop Ben from his hidden motives and bring back order to the entire island. John Locke was special as Ben mentioned before and that was why Ben trusted John to help him finish his work. So when Jacob said "Help me..." , and later Ben shot him. I believe that Ben became afraid that his "noble" plans might not work out.
My thoughts on the island.
I believe that Jacob is the central figure controlling the island. But things got out of hand when Ben interfered. I think that Jacob was a man but very special/gifted person. The island chose him so that the Island could perhaps communicate with any inhabitants who came to the island. He must have died somehow, probably due to natural causes or Ben. So Jacob's consciousness fused with the island.
The island seems to have some rather strange electromagnetic properties which could have resulted in the dreams, hallucinations, the whispers, John Locke's ability to walk again, Sun conceiving, the death of all mothers who had previously given birth and Desmond's premonitions. This strange occurrences could have only materialized because Jacob communicated with them. I believe that Desmond should have died at the Swan station which was completely obliterated. Jacob saved him and he was given the gift of seeing the future.

Desmond's ability might be useful in changing some of the things that has previously happen before for example Charlie's death. He was suppose to be dead 3 times but he died only during the"fourth" time. He might also play a role in changing the fate of all the survivors for example, avoiding the crash. But this theory only works if the survivors are trapped on the island and the island somehow created a time loop until things get corrected.

In a way this sort of agrees with the "order of the universe" or "the universe has a way of balancing things" as mentioned in the show but it also contradicts that statement because if Charlie doesn't die yet he will sooner or later. Charlie later died in the Looking Glass station in the final episode.
Something Possible...
The flash forward scenes in LOST could have been a prediction of what will happen but may not necessarily happen.
When Naomi said that all the people on Flight Oceanic 815 died, she could have been lying and this should prove Ben statement right. This could be the most logical explanation why the survivors are still there on the island unless they are all trapped in a parallel world created by the island itself which is highly unlikely.

It might be possible that the rescuers might caused even more imbalance to the island's function and the world. Ben could have been right in this and that was why Locke shot Naomi before threatening Jack. Since the island chose them to survive for a reason, they should not have gone back. And if they died on the island, they died also for a reason. Jacob could have a role in this also, that is why he might have probably chosen some of them to do something through dreams, vision
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