Wednesday, October 18

The Top 5 Pick up Lines...???

This is something which I pick up from LIME magazine...and they call it the Top 5 pick up lines:

  1. "I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you."
  2. "You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy"
  3. "What's your name?"
  4. "See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute"
  5. "So what haven't you been told tonight?"

Ok...I'm not a girl but frankly, I find those top pick up lines rather cheesy and a bit lame...sorry maybe I'm a guy so I wouldn't understand. This is what I would reply/respond if I'm the girl and some guy came up to me and use them.
  1. Stare at guy blankly or surprised with eyes/"Ahah....."/"And?..."
  2. "Very Funny..."
  3. Bryan/Is this a trick question??
  4. "What?..." with a rather puzzled facial expression/NO or YES/If I'm in a bad mood I show him the L
  5. I suppose if I'm the girl and got played into it or if the guy is a hunk I would say "I look great...?" but if I feel indifferent, I might just say "Tell Me..."
So for me, if a guy picks a list from the so-called Top 5 Pick-Up Lines there, I would maybe play along if he chooses the 1st and the last one. HAHA :)

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