Wednesday, October 18

Stress Factor

Right now, nearly everyone in Sem 5 is already free of most responsibilities and stressful extracurricular activities. I'm feeling that my stressful moment dip a tad bit over maybe a week or two and will exponentially rise over the coming weeks.

Now that Neuro is already starting to give me ths shivers due to its sheer load of facts and understanding required by this very demanding system. I have already something extra to worry about from my performance in the coming month. Not the singing part though, but staging where you have to constantly shake your ass, ok maybe not all the time but since "Mostly we moon", I'm sure that we all have to do it more often plus the minor dance routines that would be incorporated in some songs. OK, I'm not whining here cause this is entirely new for me, and dancing is great. I've actually discovered that shaking asses and dancing is really fun to do. I'm definitely gonna do it more often after the show. But it would be more comfortable for me if Neuro exams isn't just around the corner.

Thank God, for the 1 week Raya Break if not I'm definitely gonna have problems with neuro which would increase my studying load later on if I don't get this system sorted out when I prepare for EOS in January.

I'm stressed out now, but I know moderate stress is good and it keeps people going. Too little makes people too comfortable. Too much drives them mad... But the problem with me is I want both things to work out great. I'm actually worrying that I might do one really well and screw the screw Neuro and pull out a wonderful 5-show performance or vice versa.

So, God I know with You all things are possible and I pray all my worries will go away

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