Sunday, October 22

Rombongan to KLPac

Main entrance to KLPac and KLPac from far .......

Entrance to KLPac and KLPac close-up

Pentas 1 inside

The Hallway

The entire purpose of the rombongan was to test the mic which is supposedly one of the most expensive wireless mics around, and so we are gonna use them in the upcoming show. Me, Mimi, Nigel, Yu Ling, Cheryl and Zal were there trying out while the rest were MIA with work and other responsibilities going on. Finally went backstage and can start imagining when our props and lights goes up for the show. Can start imagining the proposed "light corridor", spotlights and "corridor of light" emanating from the ceiling or backstage from our staging that Michael was talking about.

In fact, an early trip to KLPac did give me a early impression on how we will look like on stage. Exposed and Vulnerable if we slack like mad. Fantastic and Entertaining if we do well.

Finally we started testing them, sang a few songs to try to tell the difference between the expensive and the cheaper one. Can't hear a darn difference between the two from the bottom. Supposedly the cheaper one had some little buzzing/static going on when we sang together which was especially obviously higher up.

The rombongan ended up with us feeling rather indecisive on the mics we should use, basically because the rental is not cheap and sound was the issue. But you know what I think, let's just focus on our singing and staging and worry about it later.

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