Sunday, March 26

Jammin in church

Not exactly, jammin in church but nearly similar to what I am actually doing, playing for church. Just trying to spice the title. Since this is season of Lent, the song choice wasnt the type where you can jump and stretch out your hands. Something more solemn, more prayer like and slow. Of course, there are many ways to praise God, not every song should be jumping and praising where every single teen would go mad and seriously I wander how many who actually do that actually mean praising God or perhaps their gyrating movements(ok thats n exaggeration) is a reflection of the mood of the music.

Sang 5 songs, 1 entrance, 1 offertory. 2 communion and 1 recessional hymn. The last song is Freely Freely. See... even the last song isn't the typical clap and lively music that we at
lifemass is so accustomed to. All for the season of Lent. The response from our Lifeline music ministry is boring and slow man....LIke JAnice says:" Aiyo this song so slow la " even during practise she wanted to song to end as fast as possible. Though, this wasn't our very best performance throughout the times we had played, IT's NOT BAD, though. Man I really Love our performance last month. IT was really good. The fact that my aunt sms to congratulate me supported my opinion.

Yeah and thank goodness, my choir practises had been paying off. See.... Jeff had been trying to finish our very last minute practise so that he can practise his psalm which was also last minute. OK, so we finish then I thought he was about to show me his psalm .... but then he showed me Pater Noster which was actually latin for "Our Father" Then I started sinigning the tune, and then he said to me

Jeff: You know how to sing this song??
Me: Yeap
Jeff: Are you in the Easter Choir
Me: Then I said, yah I'm in the Good Friday and the Easter Vigil mass choir

and he was like

Jeff: ....SAY SO LA!!!!....Haiyo

Then Janice and ALex was like affirning what he just said and then later on in Youth Center, Adrian came in and told me , " Hei I saw you singing in the Easter Choir...very nice...." Then Jeff told him that I know Pater Noster. I was like wow.... NOw I get to teach people something that I have Learn, great stuff...And mind you That Latin version is not easy to sing. Mind you, when I first started, I was like struggling to make sense of how the tune goes. Finally after all the Thursday and Sunday practise with the playful + humorous + strict conductor also piano teacher ( who seems to have a rather interesting approach to conducting), it payed off. Now I must make sure that every syllable in LATIN is enunciated properly and correctly, hahahha to further impress them and sound like one of those Vatican Choir who sand for Pope John Paul II funeral.

Here is Pater Noster

Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem:
sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

After dat, went to some makan makan at Gasing, together with Patrick, Jeffrey our boss and Janice. The food was pretty decent, not top notch but palatable and Jeff treated us, ok that was based on the assumption that he din asked from us to pay him back despite not telling us whether we need to pay him or not. It was good fellowship though and we talked basically on everything from good places to eat, presents for birthday(---> MP3 PLAYER hehehe, i want that too ) and also on American Idol and gospel singers and mp3 cds for us... Hooray, but we need to give him 2 cds. Sigh.... Anyway, its a sign that we put a little bit of effort in acquiring them.

And that was basically how I spent nearly half a day outside in church and with my friends.

Joke of the day:

What do you call a man who is in heaven? An Angel... What do you call when you see a lot of man in heaven? A host of angels... What happens when all the men are in heaven? Peace on Earth
Father OC

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