Saturday, March 4

Getting in touch with God

Being a Catholic for all my life since the day I was born hasn't make me a better Catholic. I guess this opinion is shared by most of my Catholic buddies out there except for those exceptionally pious and religiously devoted individuals. Sad to say among Catholics, they hasn't been many and the problem later results in a significant decrease in the number of people joining the religious order...

So meaning less priests, nuns and brothers. And nearly every week. Father Simon or FAther OC would be alternating speeches on the issue of the younger ones joining the religious order. Obviously, the response has been lukewarm. I guess one of their prayers would be..."Please God, I pray for more Catholics joining the religious order...priests, nun , brothers ...and such". Ok....MAYBE the concise version but its just to illustrate a point here. As for me, if there was any sign of any calling would be to at most join the music ministry...Dat also depends on many influencing factors, (OK THIS SOUNDS LIKE SOME FACTUAL ESSAY). Well, anyway It would be because I insist in myself to join it..Ok maybe the insistence is the calling...God silently or subconsciously seeding me thoughts of playing in church.. To me, it's good. COS for one, music has always been part of me. IF somehow I just screwed medicine, den Music would be the next choice. and Who knows, MAybe I'll be a singer, or a producer, ....ok i f i continue...I will begin to fantasize.

Basically, that is as far as it goes, music, nothing more. And besides, I want to get married. NO doubt about that. Though, Ive NEVER had a girlfriend in my entire life, still single and available, I had never once left the thought of starting a family or share my life with my "intimate other half".

Sometimes I have this conversation with myself...asking whether is it the changing world that is actually causing this drought of priests and nuns. It seems that the world is not encouraging the spiritual development of the younger peoeple. The media is conatantly bombarding sublimal messages telling us to be someone elsE whom we are not.....SLIMMING PROGRAMMES, POPULAR AND HAPPENING, SINGERS( as though everyone can sing ), RICH and APPEARANCE. Hence, the birth of reality shows, slimming centres, claiming to take the flab off your waist and thighs and whatever using revolutionary techniques, I wander how revolutionary is it sometimes...?? except for the Snatch-thief Smasher who slimmed half her weight down who looks exeptionally unbelievably slimmer...Even I can't recognize that the slim lady was actually once the 100kg+ girl who did the noble act of sleeping on the snatch thief dude. Well at least she can tell herself that she did something good when she was bigger and heavier. Getting back... Beauty is now considered a bonus and u have beauty, it could bring you places that you have never thought possible.... Like getting to a top positon in a company, sadly... wasting all the good brains sitting lower in the hierachy of posts who will be sneering at the unfairness of life.

There you go...all those above would have taken precedence instead of the religious life. Just that day, Father Simon came back from a retreat... and most priest were away for 2 weeks. He then mention, if the retreat was bombed or there was unfortunately a terrorist attack there, then all 120+ priests would have perished....and all churches in the peninsular malaysia would be "fatherless" and the sheeps will be I think that send some sort of urgency to the congregation that THE CHURCH NEEDS MORE PRIESTS.....

Looking at my church congregation also reflects on how mundane and boring church masses have been for them. All of them looking pretty jaded at the routine going-ons in the church...drooped faces, sleepy eyes, some yawnings. They would have probably perceive mass as a weekly obligation of which I'm sure most Catholics would be guilty of including myself. If I were to rate myself on the "Devotion to God" scale if there was such a thing...I would give myself a 3 out of 10. I guess God will agree with me. YEA RIGHT SON....YOU DESERVE IT...I wander whether God is saying this


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