Sunday, January 7

New Beginnings and a Hopeful Year

AAHhh... the end of the most major of all exams. The end of tiring hours of study. The end of sleepless nights wrecking havoc on my biological clock and possibly rewiring my entire diurnal rhythm of cortisol leading to unwanted elevated levels of stress at the wrong time of the day which has began to take its greatest effect towards the last few days of preparation. And the most comforting of all is the end of me looking at the same darn 9 systems plus health issues (which I don't consider a system) and yeap...that's it...since I've completely neglected Foundation 2 out of my studying schedule because of its almost 100% redundance in the EOS based on past yr's observation.

But of course, when you've finished so much in so little time you will most certainly want the best of results. Obviously no one wants to pay RM24k again to redo Semester 5, think of what one can do with those precious 6 months...... OSPE was fine for me, OSCE was ok but it could have been better especially the 1st day and SAQ was DA BOMB!!! Not a single question on behavioural science came out in the SAQs which kind of like was a prediction for me which became true. I almost "purposely" forgot to study BS if you know what I mean....HAHA. Overall the paper was doable and everyone found the paper much more comfortable which was a good sign. Then again, I certainly pray that everyone pass SEM 5 n MOVE ON....

So what happens after this. This is now what I call the Post Sem 5 era. I certainly would miss the good times that I have in IMU though I wished I could have done certain things differently looking back. It is sad that most of us have to part ways to pursue our final journey to our career path. Most of us are going overseas/PMS and the rest in Seremban. What are the people waiting going to do until the next phase starts?? As for me, I really pray that I can get the HP job, though I know it would be totally different and tiring. It would be a good experience handling customers on the phone. Somehow I had this inkling I won't get it but I'll just wait a few days more and see what the good Lord has decided.

As for me, last year was the best year of my life. I can't begin to describe this feeling of achievement. I guess I should use every darn superlative in the dictionary. I'm hopeful that this year would be another great year or even better as I plan to achieve more before I leave this country


Atreides said...

dude all the bst & good luck to get da HP job

Bryan said...

Thanks Man....Weirdo!! WackyO!! WorldO!! Nice change to blogger dude. Keep Blogging