Wednesday, January 10

Before and After the Call. The First Day

If some of you were to follow my blog over the past few days, you will most certainly find out about the HP job I was talking about. OK it's in the previous post laa....If you are just simply malas to read about the whole thing just scroll down and go to the last paragraph (i think) and yeap it's there. OK la, let's just get straight to the point. Yes, so as I was saying I have this inkling of not getting the job..... I got it, OH wow that's so amazing.

It all came like this. One fine afternoon, as I was beginning to dismantle the Christmas tree(it's already past the 12 days of Christmas...folks and the beginning of Epiphany), a phone call came. I never thought that this would be THE Call, so I picked it up nonchalantly thinking that it was somebody who would be looking for someone else. It turned out to be some lady from HP. I was like expecting the reply on my status because as I know, my contact had her reply really fast. Instead the caller turned out to be some other person from HP who decided to have this telephone interview with me. Now I was excited, because the decision on my status hasn't been made yet. It went on something like this.....

Caller: Hi, May I speak to Bryan please?

Me: Yes...Speaking

Caller: Hi, I'm *** calling from Hp just to check out on certain things. Now, from what I see here it seems that your subjects doesn't actually fit into what we are looking for...

Me: A ha...( with a little bit of sigh)

Caller: I would like to find out certain things from you

Me: Yess... Yesss. Sure

Caller: Have you had any working experience before and do you have any experience in the IT line

Me: (Reluctantly I said..) No
At this point I was thinking was this the deciding factor. Could my answer no put the final nail in the coffin??

Caller: Oh I c. IT also says here that you are a medical student. What year are you in ah??
As though it was not clear enuf??.....I thought maybe she running out of things to say

Me: I'm in my 3rd year now

Ok, I think I don't want to replay the entire conversation but she just asked a few more questions like why do this when it is not related to what you are studying and then she had a real interview like asking all the normal questions you would expect from an interview. Then it went on and on...and then finally she said

Caller: I will call you back later
Fast forward an hour, the answer YES....Immediately it hit me, I GOT IT.. All those preconceived notions that I wouldn't get it flew away immediately, like some giant kite, only thing this time, the string snapped this time. SNAPPPPPP!!

I told her then I was ready to come the next day to work. And she said.GOOD.

I was like Excellente!!

Fast Forward>> Next Day. I can imagine myself Clicking away the Universal Remote just like Adam Sandler did

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. I don't know if it would look like some "ke le fe" place or some really nice professional looking office with people on headsets talking away. Reached there before time and then was introduced to the office. It was pretty impressive, love the entrance. Nice lighting, cosy design, friendly receptionist but still I haven't seen the office yet. To cut a long story short, I was brought around the office, which I thought was not that big or small but was really busy with people talking away like they never had. This is where free talk for hours on the phone translates to money-making. People there were really busy talking away staring at the screens with their tables stacked with papers on the latest products and promotion and gosh I've never seen a screen with 30+ active windows. That's madness!! From then on, I knew, I will be a real busy man the moment I start work.


Multitasking is the new word I learn from my new colleagues. Before this it was almost synonymous with the word foreign to me. That is when you talk and put in customers details, put it in the HP database and at the same time handle emails, which looks so hard at first. I can't even begin to see which active window was the important one cause it seems like it is a "Rule" to crowd your start menu with tons of active windows which actually is because otherwise you would be slow. Slowness here translates to lost time which could be use to get more customers which also means do things faster. Practically everyone practices it there. This is where keyboard shortcuts rulezzzzz....Daunting is the new word, it was like learning anatomy all over again. OH gosh I can't believe I've found something so similar to this but also different.

Hmm... I really wander how many have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. LOLZZ

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