Wednesday, August 30

Wicked Pitches - The Next Level

After going through so many weeks of rehearsing our songs that we will be singing in KLPac, we are now finally entering into the next phase, staging which is really new to me. I know next to nothing about staging, maybe a tiny little bit attributed to what Michael Voon introduced about a month plus ago.

In fact, I quite enjoyed the staging part cause it teaches each indvidual to be aware of other performers in the group so the whole group/team can perform more like a single unit. Not just a one man show while the rest go about doing their stuff. In fact staging is something like telling a story so that the entire performance would not be just mundane singing throughout the performance. Try imagining an a capella group singing 2 hours without any thing goin on in between... too monotonous. OK, I'm not a pro when it comes to talking about staging but basically it make the entire performance would be more engaging and more interesting. It's like telling a story based on the lyrics of a song or the style of a cetain type of music.

One of the most interesting things that I've learn from our staging guru Sam, is that we use to take for granted on how we walk and the way our muscles synergistic interaction result in a certain type of movement. Actually, talking about walking, I actually feel surprisingly unstable while walking very slowly especially, the muscles at the lower leg..feels wobbly even after walking for 20 years.... But after going through the exercises that Sam taught us, particularly the one where he asked us to stand 15 minutes, lifting the soles of your feet just enough for one sheet of paper to pass through. It really helps to establish the more grounded feel, even when i try balancing myself with one leg.

Actually talkin about staging, I've never done staging before. I really hope that this exercise can remove all my stiff muscles which has been a great problem especially when it comes to meeting lots of people in front of me....something like stage fright syndrome.... and in particular this one where about 500 ppl would be looking at me for 5 straight days.

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