Friday, August 4 long time never blog..feels a bit stuck

OK, I realised that I haven't been blogging for a long time... feels really rusty now, like trying to open rusty squeaky doors... OK also realised that I haven't been talking much about my selective. BS selective is quite relaxing. All you need to do is to pick a behaviour that u want to change and then change it. SImple As tHAt!!

So that's what all those lectures are for. Using and applying the behavioural modification techniques to change a particular behaviour. OOH souns so jargonish. basically it means changing a behaviour.

BUT one thing I've learned from this entire selective is that behaviour is difficult to change and when I mean difficult, really difficult to change if you don't put your heart and mind into changing the behaviour. Mine was easy haha....and I making good progress. Definitely can reach my short term goal and hopefully remove the behaviour completely in the long run. The best thing about the whole selective was the group work, which was like the pinnacle of the entire selective. We were having problems at first trying to find out what we should do and then later Paul Jambu gave us an idea of a visit to a drug rehabilitation centre in OUG call Green Pastures which happens to supply some of IMU catering needs..AHAHAHAH BEWARE U FELLAS EATING IMU FOOD!! juz joking. actually I've interivewed them no additives added... And after all that we decided to come up with a great show since ours was a big group this slective, we definitely have enough people.

So after much discussion at McD in OUG plaza, WE FINALLY DECIDED THAT IT WOULD BE A TALK SHOW which turned out to be such an awesome show.

We call it "The Doprah Weedfree Show"

The title is in no way meant to insult the original talk show The Oprah Windfrey show, this was merely use as an idea to help us with our group work as you will understand if you read below.

so this was how it went....

Today is the final day of our BS selective which so far has been a very enlightening experience. Ours was the fourth group. And after seeing a few groups with videos, I knew that ours will ROCK...!! And Thank God it all went well, in fact everything was juz as planned. The timing was surprisingly good considering the fact that our rehearsal lasted two minutes longer. We definitely need to pat ourselves on th back after so many days of preparation, sleepness nights for the video crew and lengthy discussions in the PBL room. After many hours of video editing, brainstoming and script writing thanks to a very good director, we managed to pull off what I call the best show for the day. Sadly, we did not get the majority's votes to win the show WHICH I STRONGLY DISAGREE. Nevermind the fact that they are more humourous then all the other groups today but their content was not as complete as ours. Sadly, our video editor took it pretty hard (got really emotional about the results. )

Ours was the most content complete and entertaining. We don't need childish plays and kiddy jokes to tickle our funny bone. This is suppose to be drug addiction. How are we suppose to make a joke out of this. DON'T YOU THINK IT WILL BE INSULTING TO MAKE FUN OF THE WHOLE THING. It's all about delving into the character, asking questions to know what the addict is going through couple with all the elements of a good talk show. Anyone who watches Oprah Winfrey, would know how a talk show works. IT's not all fun and games except when she decides to give every single audience a car and Christmas presents!!!

The best was when we made a life feed from Istanbul....Professor Emeritus Hafiz, the behavioural expert of self- control. I call that the SECRET WEAPON. The video earlier on the life of our drug addict was awesome. The best video award for the day, if there is such a thing goes to Group 4. I think it doesn't matter if we win or not so long as we are satisfied with our results.

And so it was, finally OVER!!! .....Over!!! ...Over!!! and now holidayz for another 2 weeks...Sigh onli 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site »