The 4 Idols
Now don't get me wrong here. It's not some form of religious worship nor is it some story. What I am saying here is actually referring to the remaining 4 contestants who have stand out amongst the 12 finalists in the American Idol 5. I have to say that this time round, this group of talented people proofed to be the most entertaining batch of all finalists seen since the reality show started. And now, with the remaining final four, I would choose to say that all of them are already winners, each having their own style, their own genre of music and performances. IN fact, I believe that all of them can already start making their albums without waiting for America to decide on May 29.
Watching yesterday's performance certainly was indeed an awe inspiring performance though there were some moments of blunder like forgotten lyrics, pitchy singing.... but what the heck, even music geniuses have their day off and not all their songs are groovy, catchy or could transform an old grandma with arthritis/osteoporosis to suddenly start jumping off the couch and sing with them.
So the verdict for yesterday's performance would be a 9/10. To tell the truth I really don't know for sure who would go out tonight. Elliot came out pretty strong last night, much better than last week. Elliot was really good in his second song, "Trouble". It was like the bomb for the night.
"You're the bomb tonight" or "You're in your element dude. Keep going. I absolutely love it." or
"Check it out. Your the dawgggg.."
Taylor was the bomb man....He was totally in the music. His 1st song "Jailhouse Rock" was one of my personal favourite for the night. As usual, he danced and moved and groove and rock it all out. And Simon who seems to have been annoyed with all his moves and dance always discredit him.
"That's because you can't dance you loser......!!!" And stop giving comments like
Simon: " Too karaoke with a capital K" and "too cabaret" "THE DANCE WAS LOUSY" ....."You know in the real world...."That being said:
(Ryan interrupted)
Ryan: " Do you live in the real world??"
Strangely he din say all that when he sang "In the ghetto"...... I guess he just can't stand others being more graceful than he is safe for his gracefulness while criticising others.... I think you should thank urself for insuring your mouth for US1million....
Anywayz, the only time where I feel his comments hit the spot was when Katharine performed her second song. I thought she started off well and then her notes were a bit shaky later on towards the end. Hmmm, maybe too much rehearsal for the BIG NITE. Her first song wwas also one of my personal favourite for the nite..
So my personal favourite for the night:
a) Jailhouse Rock - Taylor Hicks
b) Trouble - Elliot Yamin
c) Hound Dog - Katharine McPhee
I think Chris would go out tonight.... Sorry to say this guys but I got a If i were allowed to vote, I would have stopped voting for Chris 3 weeks ago. It's undeniable that Chris is talented, musical and I especially love his raspy voice but NO HARD FEELINGS
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