Tuesday, December 12

13 Useless Random Facts

1) In the 1400's a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have "the rule of thumb".

2) Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only... Ladies Forbidden"... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.

3) Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

4) It is impossible to lick your elbow.

5) Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

6) Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king in history:
Spades - King David
Hearts - Charlemagne
Clubs - Alexander, the Great
Diamonds - Julius Caesar

7) 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

8) Question: If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"?

Answer: One thousand

9) In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase... "goodnight, sleep tight."

10) It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon.

11) In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them "Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down." It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's"

12) Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. "Wet your whistle" is the phrase inspired by this practice.

13) I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

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Monday, December 11

This is Insane!!!

I was just surfing around the Internet and I came across the World's Largest Palace. Actually, to think that it is so near, about 2 and a half hours flight from KL is not surprising but my initial guest is going to be some Sheikh's or Prince's palace from the Middle East. Have you gotten the clue??

If you've guessed the location, you'll find the World's Largest Palace in Brunei. It's the Istana Nurul Iman Palace which is the official residence of none other than the Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Strangely while I was there, I didn't know he had such a massive....palace even when he opened his palace to visitors once a year. Why in the world does he need to have such a big palace?? To lay down the facts, the palace has an insane 1788 rooms, 257 bathrooms and a floor area of 2,152,782 square feet (200,000 m²). That's something like 400+ m by 400+ m if it's a square. Amenities include 5 swimming pools, an air conditioned stable for the Sultan's 200 polo ponies. I was quite surprised actually by the 5 swimming pools. Why 5? So little?? Izit 5 Olympic size swimming pools or just normal swimming pools with golden tiles. Think about the servants or cleaners who are responsible for cleaning those rooms and bathrooms. I guess the price to pay for living lavishly is high maintenance which obviously..... isn't a problem.

The palace cost USD400 million and has 564 chandeliers, 51,000 light bulbs, 44 stairwells, and 18 elevators. Being extraordinary rich, the sultan himself has a collection of custom-made Ferraris and Bentleys and as well as 165 Rolls Royce. Ohhh yaa... and a 110-car garage which obviously isn't enough for the Sultan's collection. I guess security is gonna be a big issue here but with such great wealth, I don't think there's gonna be another problem.

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Saturday, December 9

The End of the Beginning??

Is this really the end after 2 and a half years in Bukit Jalil? 5 Semesters, dozens of PBL and CSU sessions and hundreds of hours of lectures. Having spent 5 semesters, I realise that my first thought on studying medicine in Semester 1 until now hasn't changed much. I've always known that studying medicine is going to take lots of reading, time and brain power but what really surprised me was the ample time that we had. We have so much free time....really too much considering for a medical student. Even lecturers, will agree that medical students even have time to go shopping after lectures, which is without a doubt rare in other medical schools.

Even as we start our final semester a few months back, despite all the hullabaloo on the pressure on winning the IMU Cup (for the second time) and Convo Mag (me), surprisingly most of us can still handle the pressure of studying and extracurricular activities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even considered singing for The Wicked Pitches, which has by far been one of the best experiences in my life. With just less than a months time to the end of our course here in Bukit Jalil, I really wander how other medical students in other universities care coping. Is time spent so freely and luxuriously on other extracurricular activities.

One thing I will sorely miss, would be the friendship that I've developed with my colleagues, most of whom will end up scattered all over the globe. Of course, some had great potential to be long-lasting friends. To avoid being long-winded and elaborated on why M204 one really great batch, these are some of my personal experiences which I believe will have long lasting memories.

  1. Being introduced to one of the Most Fun Orientation Group. STD!!!! who came out with one of the Best Cheer..."I'm loving it.." inspired by McD. Chern Huay, our great group leader, the famous "Why Cows should wear Bras debate?" and of course getting 3rd or 4th in our overall group placing...:)
  2. A wonderful IMCC champion, Ashwin
  3. A sort of Batch Cheer " Fly Kite Fly Kite" which up to today some of us still remembers...
  4. A fantastic batch with a good mix of brilliant people, sportswoman, sportsmen and always getting praises for being the Best Batch when it comes to academic results which some of us dreads. Look at the number of As on the Chart if some of you can remember.

  5. IMU Cup Champs 2 consecutive times for the year 2005 and 2006 A feat unheard of in the history of IMU!!! Most outstanding in Football, Futsal, Cross Country Running, Athletics, Volleyball, Carrom, Darts Badminton and Netball. But terrible DOTA players...
  6. Won Gold for Carrom this year and got silver for carrom and football in the previous year.

  7. Great fighting spirit among our cheerleaders
  8. Formed a band "Rubberband" for Friday Night. Composed a song for them too!!
  9. Graphic Designer for our batch Convomag
  10. Ganesh n Nana our batch rep. Very Responsible reps.
  11. Koay Yeang Wee our funny man. Everybody laughs at him when he picks up the mic and says something even if it isn't funny.
  12. Poh Sen the next most funny man, most entertaining and sadly most bullied also.
  13. Loudest Person: Yoke Sin. Also very much adored by Francis Achiike for her intelligence.
  14. Video Specialist: Kenn Fong. Plans and Edits video for our batch's events
  15. Mac Freak: Tan Chern Huay and Iggy
  16. PDA sepcialists: Alex and Iggy
  17. The Wonderful CSS Bunch

  18. Organized trip to KK and climbed Mount Kinabalu.
  19. Wong Chee Keong, our most changed friend and library specialist. He spends most of the day lost in the realm of medical knowledge amongst the thick Harrison, Patho, Surgical and piles of lecture notes. He should be our source of inspiration. Became a changed man after one very important incident in his life. But also behind the pair of glasses and books, another personality emerges, the Chee Keong who talks about sports, friends and other non-related book stuff. SHOULD NOT BE REFERRED TO AS LIBRARY FURNITURE.
  20. Photographer: William and Chern Huay with their expensive toys.
  21. The Three Little Pigs: Stephen, Ding and Chun Peng for their humorous and entertaining performance on stage
  22. Attention Seeking Duo: Ding and Diva (D&D)

  23. Ball 2006 Marriott
  24. Dance Master: Jay Lo who recently got picked to the finals in the Stepped Up dance competition and also performed at 1 Utama. Master of freestyle and hip hop.
  25. Rajendra Rao also known as Raj to the batch and is known as the batch's Computer and Projector Fixer. Whenever, a powerpoint presentation gets screwed. The natural response would be "Raj....Raj...Raj" or sometimes Ding, oddly. Pls refer to 22
  26. Organized a wonderful talk-show for our BS selective called "The Doprah Weedfree Show"
  27. Events like Diwali Nite, Chinese Singing Competititon, Friday Night, Drama

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Tuesday, December 5

Malaysians: Bad Ass Drivers

You don't need a genius to tell you if Malaysians are terrible drivers on the roads. We have beautiful roads, wide enough for our needs and plenty of ways to get around to destinations around town. Even as we strive to be a better country, to achieve a developed nation status, most of us have underdeveloped mentality when it comes to driving. All the morality and well-mannered behaviour flies out the window the moment we hold the steering wheel as if the car suddenly took control of us and we start driving like an unruly animal.

I wish to highlight three common bad behaviours:

  1. Switching lanes to go faster
  2. Jumping lanes/queues
  3. VIP/Ambulance tagging
I would like to refer the first one to a comment from my friend whom I visited just last week. Just after going to PC Fair, we thought that it would be a smooth journey back to Damansara. I thought I knew the roads in KL darn well so I didn't care which road I might end up when I exited KLCC. SO I exited at Jalan Pinang. After taking some wrong turns, ending up nearly in Wangsa Maju before finally ending up in the right direction. We got trapped in a traffic jam just when we travelled a distance after a toll.

The jam started there and was nearly continous all the way up to Jalan Pahang but there were breaks of smooth flowing traffic which lasted a while before we got trapped in another bumper to bumper traffic. I can't begin to describe the feeling. Was it agonizing, tormenting, terrible? To get stuck in miles of bumper to bumper traffic to PWTC from Jalan Ampang was terrible even before people ended work. My friend told me that the real problem is people don't want to stay in their lanes and they keeping switching lanes to cut time. If it wasn't for his observation, I will hardly notice it maybe because I'm guilty of it as well.

Observing traffic from where the jam started until it ended, it turned out that he was right after all. In fact, if it wasn't for those jumping queues and switching lanes, I don't think the jam wouldn't be so bad. Many people thought that by switching into a faster lane would actually make you go faster but what about the people behind you, they would have to slow down because you just switched into their lane. Mind you, this is what happens if one person switches lane. Let's factor it by 20-50 times when 20-50 cars start doing the same thing on a busy road in KL, cars behind would then stop and then move and then stop before coming to a stop when sometimes 2 or more cars decided to switch lanes. Even, when their intention is to get to a faster lane, people who are now in the fast lane would become slower suddenly and then the slower lane becomes faster and then people start switching back to their original lanes again. What a vicious cycle....

IN medical terms, if a situation arises like that in any blood vessel, it's call a thrombosis. So here, on the roads it's like a thrombosis and then an emboli. (An emboli is a dislodged thrombus.)

All this from Jalan Ampang up to PWTC, Jalan Pahang. Even with all the traffic notifications on the electronic billboards, it wouldn't make much of a difference if people start behaving like that on the road.

Sometimes, I wander if Malaysians are bad drivers due to the busy metropolitan area in KL. But what about bigger metropolis or Megalopolis like Seoul, Beijing. Are there drivers like that?? My friend from New Zealand told me that over there nobody would practice this form of driving. I thought..."Sure, there are more cows than people there" IF they were living here in KL, would there transform to be us? That's the million-dollar question....

One very favourite spot where drivers love jumping queues, is at the Chan Sow Lin roundabout. IF you were somehow there between 7.30 and 8.30 be ready for one of the worst jam of the day. Bad road planning is one of the reasons. Five lanes try to squeeze into a three lane area, made worse by people who jump queues especially those coming from the Sungai Besi airport. Its actually a daily affair to be stuck in a jam there, sometimes that stretch takes about 30 minutes to move 500 m. These "jump queuers" will start coming from the side and go out into the main road going to Jalan Istana as if going there but actually taking a detour to squeeze through a space at the left lane. The situation becomes worse when buses and lorries follow suit so that all the "bullied" legitimate cars behind them would have to stop and let them pass. Sometimes, drivers take the opportunity to tag along them, because it's an opening or rather a shortcut from the big thrombosis (jam) behind them.

VIP tagging is also a favourite among Malaysian drivers. It is common to see VIPs or ambulance making an open path for them even during jams. VIP taggers by my definition are drivers who trail a convoy or an ambulance so that they will bypass all the jam. If you have seen one, suddenly from behind, lots of motorists will join the convoy or ambulance from behind and happily make their way through the jam. Though some may find this as OK, but personally, I find it unethical. What about the people who have to wait behind or had to move to the side because they were giving way??

So there you go...bad behaviours on the road. I'm guilty of the first 2. I think naturally anyone would be guilty of the first of second one but for the third. I think it's a rising phenomenon.

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Monday, December 4

First Time Fishing and the Deer Farm.

Just yesterday, I went back to my grandma's hometown to celebrate her birthday. Talking about eating, the previous day was another feast which was also another birthday celebration that resulted in a very bloated me and a heavy stomach. I never felt so full in a while and the meal portion was huge. Luckily, for me I don't have to go through the same trauma yesterday, when the meal portion was smaller but the food quality compromised. Maybe that's why I was so full on the previous day, food was much better and the environment.. great.

After having an OK lunch, went back to her house just for a little while before going out again to my uncle's deer farm and apparently a fishing pond. Actually I'm quite excited about the fishing pond when I heard about it. All the talk about going fishing was repeatedly resonating in my head after hearing the fishing pond. I didn't think that the pond was going to be crystal clear where you can see fishes swimming right under the surface. What do you expect from a kampung man....?? So in my mind I thought it's either going to be quite muddy, not very big with many fishes though. I heard there was tilapia and some catfish and a whole lot of other fishes which I simply don't know the name but have no problems eating them. :)

We drove off in our car to the place which is weirdly located where you have to travel an unusually long distance before actually getting there by making a U turn. The alternative would be to drive in the opposite side of the road against traffic which my uncle always do to cut the distance by more than half. For me it's cool but to my father and uncle it's a crazy idea but still I thought what the heck there are so few people driving on the other side of the road like 1 car every 3 minutes. Getting into the place, wasn't a problem with the 4WD, it was a breeze, even with the muddy terrain and narrow path into the place.

After stepping out of the car together with my sister, we slowly made out way towards the pond just behind the deer farm. Walking on foot, isn't that easy when you have to negotiate across muddy paths, sometimes obscured by lalangs, weeds and some rocks. Finally after a short distance, I managed to catch a glimpse of the ponds. There are actually 4 of them. As expected there were muddy and you can hardly see fishes except if they come too close to the surface. One thing I didn't expect is the amount of dragonflies. Quite a lot were flying around and we actually tried to catch one while we were there.

But anyway, went on to catch fish. I was introduced to fish bait which was chicken's intestines which smelled wonderful on the stench scale. My hands were smelling like them and there were so many flies fighting for the bait. NO...there were no flies on the bait when I put it on the rod. Took a rod which was...sadly....not fully functional or should I say a little bit spoiled. The turning mechanism for the reel was spoiled , sorry I don't know the jargon for it. So I had to swing it into the lake after manually pulling out some string. My best effort only managed to place it slightly more than 6 feet into the lake which was pathetic. Looking at a pro nearby, fishing looks so natural to him and for him having to swing the rod with the turning mechanism fully functional makes me look like a whim. AARGHHH!!!

After standing there for half and hour, I had no fish and the other guy had two really nice looking fishes. Both..tilapias. EEESSSHH!!!

Is this because, it's the first time for me or is it the rod?? Maybe, if I used the better one I could get at least 1. Sad to say, the other rods are in use by my other uncles and they also managed to catch a few back. Some tilapias and some catfish. My father intervened, so I thought maybe this will make a difference with all his fishing experience in his life while he was a kid. He took the "not so good" rod, and used the same method to throw it in and guess what... He caught one, but it was too small so the "Pro" guy told him to throw it back into the lake. I heard that fishing requires lots of patience. So I waited and waited, then I thought maybe it was the way I held the rod, or maybe that corner I was standing wasn't fish-friendly or maybe it just wasn't my day.

I really wanted to feel the fish tugging on the rod like my other cousin did. My father was somewhere around catching dragonflies and he decided to use one that he caught as fish bait. Eewww, it was still alive when my father perforated it with the hook. I can still hear the chilling shell piercing sound. Maybe this "live" bait will make a difference. There was one that came so close to being caught that but when I threw in, the fish swam away. Darn it.

I was half satisfied with the whole fishing thing then. But it was great knowing about the little details of fishing which may someday help me get lucky.

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A Surprise and Some Food Issues

IT has been quite a great week and weekend. Met up with an old friend from New Zealand, who is back for a while before going back again. Haven't seen him in a long time and, goshhhh.. he has changed. Not the change that I quite expect from him. But it did happened and talking about The change that happen.. is still today, quite unbelievable but then again after listening to his explanation, it sounds quite believable. Puzzled..??Confused...??Nevermind

Went on to have lunch at McD at Centrepoint. And just a few days back, Alex was mentioning something about clearing the table after eating in McD on his blog, coincidentally, my friend asked me the same question. Do people in Malaysia clear the table after eating?? And my response was, NO. People in Malaysia hardly cared about clearing their table after eating and throughout my entire life eating in McD, only a few occasions where I recall people clearing the table. Actually, I can still count with my fingers. And then he told me that in New Zealand, everybody clears the table because they are required to do so. So should McD here enforced the same regulation so that people here follow suit??

And then I asked him if the value meal portion is much larger there. Surprisingly...no. I always thought kwai los portion will be much bigger just like in US and UK where the pizza and burger portion is considered quite big by Malaysian's standards even for a small meal. Even a medium pizza that costs US$15 is like the large pizza here in pizza hut or Domino's, packed with cheese and real filling stuff that can really make you bloat and wander how these Americans have the stomach to eat them. Actually the answer to this discrepancy here is because in New Zealand, the labour is not cheap and so the portion there is about the same and you pay more there but dollar to dollar, there's no difference actually.

So relatively speaking, is it because the Kwai Los, are larger and the Asian's are smaller hence the difference in sizes of the meal?? Does that mean that because of size difference, Caucasians eat more than us or is it simply in their diet to eat large meals. I can't conclude about that because maybe the portion in McD is bigger than other fast food restaurants overseas and furthermore I really did not have the chance to eat at all the fast food restaurants. But still based on what we all know about Western Diet, it is usually high calory and high fat. Even without the size factor here, high calory and high fat can cause a person to put on weight than normal. I say that genes does also play a factor in determining our overall physical appearance and most of the time when we meet Caucasian's they are usually taller and bigger but still proportionate in size.

Talking about snacks, I asked him if it was true that their snacks are bigger. Indeed it was and it confirmed what my father said about their chips and snacks which puts all our keropok and snacks into the small category even for the large. So eating chips there can really be your dinner or lunch...Errrrrr, that is if you really want to.

Not that I'm specifically implying the food issues to him, but I was just curious about some happenings in New Zealand which includes food. After not seeing him for close to two years, I guess after eating lamb, beef, snacks and a whole lot of other food plus being a mouse-potato definitely does spring up some surprises.

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Monday, November 27

Tempting Events that will make me stray.....

I dread this week. At a time when I needed all the time in the world to study, I may have to slow down a little.

  1. Old and long-time friend coming back from NZ, have to go visiting and catch up old times which might take up and entire day or two.
  2. PC Fair on the 1st-3rd December at KLCC
  3. Carolling at GE Mall
  4. Dinner during the weekends, both Saturday and Sunday
Other Me vs Me

What!! So little and you are already whining?? and come on skip the second one. You could use those time to study.
Yes Yes, I know. Frankly speaking, If I do go there I really would not know what to buy except look around; waste time and become envious over what my friends could buy but I could not buy.

And please it's only a dinner... a dinner wouldn't take half a day.
Yeah Yeah, I think I should start planning my time then.

OK, 1st and 3rd is your obligation. And if you want to skip the 3rd, you must be a freaking idiot!! and if you skipped the first one, then you might have a very rare chance of seeing you pal again.

Go for everything without the feeling of guilt of not studying.

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Sunday, November 26

Tis, The Season is near...

AHhhh...Christmas time is near. Here we go again buying gifts, celebrating Christmas with friends window shopping, Makan Makan !! and of course sing Christmas carols. This is the time where I simply love to see all the decorations where the shopping malls put on display and they just seem to get better and better every year. Even now, the government is sort of more "open" to put decorations and they are some streets in KL which are ornately decorated to set the mood for Christmas and it sort of transforms the street into Christmas Street. Christmas is also a time where everyone goes into a frantic search for gifts. Some may dread it especially my parents because they just don't know if the gifts are right. Truly, gift searching is not easy and sometimes it can become a routine where you just want to finish shopping and move on with a host of other things to do. And that's when you will find that the gift quality bar suddenly drops from 10/10 to 2/10.

For many years, Christmas is a fun time for me where I'll go hang out, have fun with friends until I entered IMU. It has pretty much been screwed by the fact that December is the month preceding my finals for three years in a row!!! Sadly enough, IMU seems to be rather ignorant by the fact that December should be a month where everything should slow down and people should start relaxing and reflect on how the year has gone by. They juz carried on putting exams on the first or second week of January which happens to spoil Christmas Day and New Year's Day.... for me. SIGh Anyway, I don't quite regret it. I take it as some form of discipline.

But anyway, this year I'm not complaining. WHY?? Because I'm singing Christmas Carols.. Duh...Isn't that what you always do?? Yaa But this time I'm gonna get paid for singing. OOh...!! That's juz great ya know. OK Discretion is of utmost importance here and those who read should know what I mean.

So here we go.......

Fum Fum Fum

On December five and twenty,
Fum, Fum, Fum!
On December five and twenty,
Fum, Fum, Fum!

Oh, a child was born this night,
So rosy white,
so rosy white.
Fum, Fum!
In a stable mean and lowly,
Fum, Fum, Fum!

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Congrats to Andrew and Val. May the Lord bless you with happiness, understanding and love for the rest of your life.

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Tuesday, November 21

Finals Soon...Sighhhh

OH...gosh, now that the concert is over, I finally have time to focus on my studies, which I honestly do not know where I stand. Not to mention also the graphic assignments...KEYWORD ASSIGNMENT "S" that I am suppose to finish before we submit to the printing shop for our CONVO mag which is just around the corner. Ahhh...actually that's not my biggest concern.

The fact that everyone has at least finished one system and some amazing people with "dual core processors" managed to finish 3. How insane is that?? Do they have some sort of a porous cerebral membrane that allows them to suck everything like sponge. How do you do that? Ok, I guess I should stop complaining, and juz get on with it.... Aahhh I wish I had someone to motivate me cause right now, the pile of notes staring at me isn't helping at all and 40 days isn't really a lot of time

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Monday, November 20

MOstly We MOON, The Review

Finally after months of preparation, we succeeded in pulling off the greatest show ever from The Wicked Pitches. Incredibly, despite most of us being Noobs when it came to staging, it turned out pretty darn good. Thanks to the tutelage of our very own brilliant and talented Michael Xavier Voon aka MXV, choreographer of The Wicked Pitches this time round. Truly, it wasn't easy to grab hold of Michael for our staging. I remember in the early days when we first met him, it became quite clear that he didn't like our song choice. Too slow, dull, no energy doesn't sound wicked enough were some of his remarks, which was in fact honest in every sense. Actually, there was one point where I thought that The Wicked Pitches are going to lose him. Ahhhh..... sheesh off those pessimistic thoughts. Look where we are now...

I dare say that under Michael Xavier Voon, all of us have definitely improved in the staging department. With all those butt-swaying, smoochy body language, "hiauuuness", groovy body movements lessons and rehearsals, we as a group definitely know how to move more. But of course, there's still room for improvement. In fact, I did notice that change in me. Previously months ago, I realise I have a very stiff upper body, then after many months and towards the last few weeks before the show, when rehearsals became more important. I feel more relaxed and with Sam our stage master, I felt the difference.

Back to the show, sorry for my looooonnnngggg...windedness because I felt that those two paragraphs had to be cleared from my system before going head-on to the show review. My personal ranking:

Best Performance

  1. Sunday Night
  2. Saturday Night
  3. Sunday Matinee
  4. Thursday Night
  5. Friday Night
Personally, I think there's little difference between the best and the second best performance. I only say that because we maintained most of our energy on Sunday as on Saturday, and I felt that I was enjoying myselves more. Friday Night was a very tiring day for most of us. It seems that we are all down with "Second day Blues". Zal dropped her mic receiver on the stage on Saturday Night and it was real funny when she held the receiver and showed to the crowd with her goofy face. Sunday Night was when the crowd suddenly became great fans of The Wicked Pitches. Almost everybody were cheering for our group. I guess most of them were Coleen's fans, and some A Capella groups.

My personal favourites(in no particular order)
  • Loch Lomond
  • William Tell Overture
  • Nella Fantasia
  • Shenandoah
  • City Moon
  • Belaian Jiwa
  • You raise me up
  • I'll be there
  • Mbube
  • Moondance
Actually, most people would agree including my friends that this songs were done better. I felt that Summer 69 and Bouree for Bach was pretty horrible most of the time. I still felt that Summer 69 was our worst song, though the choreo made it a tad bit better. Why worst?? Rhythms, running all over the place and pitch dropping halfway during the song. In fact, I felt that we lose track of our rhythm everytime we start moving from one place to another when we follow Kheng Han. Bouree on the first night was so slow, I was wandering what people would think of us then...Then on the following shows, it got better but still it wasn't punchy enough. ON Friday, it was really falling apart. Thank God, our choreo saved us a little. Most of the feedback was, too fast or parts running all over the place.

There were times I felt that we weren't loud enough like on
"Smoke gets in your eyes" especially when we start. The transition of the different styles could be better. Our first half was sometimes fine and sometimes weak. Not surprisingly, our second half is stronger most of the time if not equally strong as the first. I call this the "warm-up" scenario. The first half sort of prepared the group for the second half. One thing that I really liked about the show, was the lighting and the dobo. It really brought out the mood, especially for Loch Lomond and City Moon. As for the mic, somehow, I felt that my mic wasn't loud enough.

I really enjoyed the choreo part. I felt we were more connected to the audience and more interaction, like getting people to clap and groove with us. Towards the end of the show, I actually felt why we didn't move more. But then again, we were running out of time and we had to learn to move well which most of us can't except for some. I thought the choreo was well-suited for all the songs but strangely they are some who seemed to think that The Wicked Pitches aren't suited for this type of choreo. Spacing was a problem and as usual there were people forgetting their movements which includes me as well. But still, I don't think that the choreo was bad.
The best choreo definitely goes to "William Tell" for its quick witty movements and storyline. ZAL.....The damsel in distress......who plays it good most of the time except when she dropped her receiver.

Some external feedbacks/comments( not mentioned yet)
  • The girls aren't that strong in their singing compared with the guys.
** Actually I thought the girls were loud enough from backstage.**

  • Malaysia has found the mens' choir
**How flattering!!!**

  • Are all the guys in your group gay especially the one who sanged "You raised me up"
**When the guys heard that, we all started laughing.** This is definitely the best comment.. LOL

  • Whye Mun and JP were fantastic
**OK, that is quite obvious( with a little bit of envy here)**

  • Allan really looks gay on stage.
**ERRmmm, actually i didn't think so even with his "maney" hair.**

Finally, I feel a great sense of achievement after the show. Come on man!!! It's not like everyone has a chance to perform in KLPac. I know I've said this before but I think I surprised most people after the show including myselves. I really didn't think that I could perform like them given my noob status when it comes to performing on stage. I still wander where did I get my confidence to perform...It really is strange. Once again, thank you fellow pitches for the support and experience.

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Sunday, November 19

MOstly We MOON, some bits...

Just a little bit on the show, not going to mention much here, showing a little bit of pics here. But for my real review of the show, wait for tomorrow. Really dead tired now, after doing five shows in four days. TO sum it all up, it's definitely by my standards a fantastic achievement to pull off this supposedly daunting task of performing at KLPac which I thought was going to be really difficult. Not trying to BRAG here. Anyway, scroll down ppl!!!

"Where's my foundation?... OMG so much blusher...IT's time for eye shadows..OHH wait, I forgot my lipstick!!!"

The Circle of "Energy"

Bunch of Posers'

MXV and The Wicked Pitches

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Friday, November 17

IT aLL BeGiNS Now!!!

All the time, effort and sweat put into it will finally be put to the test on this very day, what I call a very special day for me because it is MY FIRST PERFORMANCE ON STAGE. Everyone from friends to family members shower me with words of encouragement like Gambate!!, YOu can do it!!!, Go all out for it, EnJOY Yourselves; to stir me from the inside to awaken the strength to perform in front of a big crowd. Thankfully most of them are our friends and family members. Some of them acquaintances.

But still nervousness seems to be finding its way into my conscience because first I don't know what the crowd expects of us.and I don't know if my memory cells could suddenly fail me when hundreds of pairs of eyes stare down at you. A spectacular performance, a mediocre performance or a performance expected from the wicked pitches which I'm not very sure especially the latter one. Still, it is a great day and a great week where I have now broken my record of skipping 8 consecutive classes of Health Issues which I hope is worthwhile not to mention the hours spent to practice our music and our staging at Coleen's place.

Hopefully all the months of preparation is proven in our performance which can only be assessed by our audience. Hopefully again, they would not be so critical, especially on the nitty-gritty details.

But the good things happening before the show?? is of course our publicity. Truly this time we have again set a new standard on our publicity appearing in numerous newpapers like The Star, The Sun, NST, The Edge, Malaysian Today, Astro, a Light and Easy interview, Infozone and 8TV. HAHA, it's the first time for me to appear on National Television and its on the "Lookout Segment" of 8TV Quickie. Actually this happened yesterday at12 am, where most people are asleep but I don't care I just appeared on TV. All 15 of us did our rendition of "I'll Be There ".

I think the best way to tackle the apprehension and nervousness is to sing out to the crowd and ahem.....try to steal the limelight, be a "Divo!!" (Diva for gals). And mistakes,sheeesssh.... it's too late to worry about that.

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Thursday, November 9

***BlogSite ReVaMP***

After some trial and error applying one of Hoctro's CSS Blogger HAcks, I gladly say that I have successfully managed to change the stereotyped two column blog template into a three column template with the additional feature of changing the column span on top of the blog as seen by this:

Most of which is useless except the first 2 and maybe one of another because otherwise you will begin to see things overlapping each other. THANKS HOCTRO!!!

And of course I've changed my old template into a new template which is although plain white but very suited for this blog template scheme.

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Tuesday, November 7

Yo Yo Yo...Show mE YOur BLinG

Since some of us are gonna be accesorizing ourselves with some really cool bling bling. I decided to find out why "Bling Bling" and not something else. As we all know the "bling bling" refers to the shiny, glittery accesssory that hangs around a rapper's neck which looks like a necklace, normally but it doesn't mean that anything else that is shiny and not hanging around the neck isn't call a "Bling". Now if you watch MTV, you will notice that almost all rappers have this bling around them and even more recently "Grillz" sort of bling on their teeth, making it really shiny. If you watch Nelly's "Grillz"on MTV, then you would know what I mean.

According to
Wikipedia, the world's most well-known free online encyclopedia, the term "bling" or "bling bling" is:

a hip hop slang term which refers to expensive jewelry and other accouterments, and also to an entire lifestyle built around excess spending and ostentation. In its essence, the term refers to the exterior manifestation of one's interior state of character, normally displayed through various forms of visual stimuli.

What is interesting about the term bling bling is its reference to a much deeper socioeconomic problem with a tinge of racism specifically referring to the blacks. Wikipedia refers bling bling to how a young previously mpoverished man gain their riches through crime can be sure of holding on to their wealth by wearing expensive jewellery.

They charge that the phenomenon promotes conspicuous consumption, and strengthens racist arguments that young Black men are supposedly incapable of higher or more virtuous or spiritual goals than material gain.

According to
UrbanDictionary, the term "Bling" is a

Jamaican slang that has been adopted by some African American rappers and inserted into popular culture. The term "Bling Bling" refers to the imaginary "sound" that is produced from light reflected by a diamond. See The Silvertones "Bling Bling Christmas" for the earliest known usage of the slang.

OK lessons aside, back to the Bling Bling...

SO when I see someone wearing a diamond accessory and if light gets reflected, I will hear Bliiiinnngggg.....izit?? Wow... Imagine those beauty queens wearing those million dollar tiaras studded with diamonds.... it would be like Blinggg Blinggg BLingg.....BLinggg BLinggg...Does that mean the biggest diamond would give the loudest "Bling"??? Than the whole hall would be reverberating with the sound of "BLing"

So, of course Blings are nice because it adds more colour to the show. Some of use would be showing off some "Blings" but you might be disappointed if you think we are gonna rap. Actually if you wanna get blings, it's all over the place, but there are actually some places that sell really good ones like the ones in Sungei Wang and in 1 Utama. So some of us guys, settled for a really cool "diamond studded" cross which looks really nice on them. Too bad I don't have the picture here...

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Sunday, November 5

OH...NO I'm down with the flu bug!!!

Ahh... the wondrous flu bug
that flies all day and night
What a nuisance
What a pain
What an agony
Why should I bear with this misery!!!

In times like this when there's
Much to do
Much to handle
Much to deal with
OH what a tragedy....

With less than 2 weeks to the show, I wish the bug could have found someone else, but unfortunately this tiny little flu bug made a one way trip to me from my siblings who happen to catch it from someone else, and there you go.... the really annoying Adenovirus wrecking havoc to my upper respiratory tract at a time when I needed it to be in tip-top condition. I hate those tiny little mutations which caused us to have this collective symptoms of cold, cough and sore throat. Urrghhh, one day I'm going to find a cure to this little pest.

Not much time for the doctor, I think it's time for Strepsils and Fishermen's friends!!!

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Thursday, November 2

BuSY aS a bEE........GRRRRRR

GRRrrrrrrrrr....AHHhhhh......I just feel like screaming. I wish there is some sort of internet channel for me to scream out as loud as possible. Not that I care who hears it but as long as I release this stress bottled up inside me for the past week that has begin to eat into my time and effectively drained me out; reducing my energy levels, such that I can't even begin to focus on my studies and the fact that exams are juz around the corner isn't helping at all.

To add to that, I'm nervously thinking how I will do for my Nervous System Summative Assessment. Will it be ok, average BAD?? Oh.... I don't want to go to the details. Not that I don't want to reflect on my preparations. But' I've never squeeze so much info into my head and I NEVER FELT SO STRESSED. AHHHHHH!!!!! What's in My head...??

Music Scores, Staging/Choreo, Nervous System and oh.... I just remembered that I have to revise all the Physical Examination from CVS to NS, which I haven't even done for MOCK OSCE!!!

What's worse is I've never gone through what I've done since EOS Sem 3 while others have gone through a couple of times already. I just hope that the coming weekend would provide ample opportunity for me to revise all that I need. Saturday is nearly out because i need to practice for the last LIFELINE MASS of the year and Sunday is almost half day because of rehearsals.

GOSH. I've never felt so busy in my life.

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Monday, October 30

Photo Shoot for Souvenir Program

Check out this cool pics. Took this a few days back at Nigel's house. Love the idea. Check out the so-called moon at the background.

Me Of course.......

The Core Members

Core Members + Alumni


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Sunday, October 29

Manchester United Rocks ON!!!

After a long goal drought, Rooney finally scored his first goal of the Premiership after a bout 10 matches. It was a much needed psychological break for him to start finding the net again after a long barren run which had seen him off form for a while now. Manchester United let off a terrific display of football destroying Bolton 4 goals to nothing.

Manchester United - Bolton

I'm so glad that MU have a 6 goal advantage over Chelsea even when we are tied with the same score. What is more timely, is that every outstanding MU player, the old and the fresh talents are starting to find their form.
Ryan Giggs, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Scholes, Ronaldo and Saha all are getting fired up and I really hope that they would continue this impressive form and maintain it because MU have a habit of breaking their consistency.


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Saturday, October 28

The Madness Lasting nearly 2 weeks...

OH gosh...I've been wandering when was the last time I've actually gone shopping for so many days just to look for the right clothes, all for the sake of the upcoming show which is just 2 and a half weeks more in KLPac. Seriously finding the suitable ones aren't easy to begin with and pricey even when there are Sales! Sales! everywhere. So after looking and running around from one shopping mall to another for close to two darn weeks, I finally found what i call the most suitable set of blacks, whites and formal wear for the show. Thank goodness it doesn't look too kinky or weird for me. Showy and Classy enough for my look and also for the show itself.

Last weekend, Sunday was the day which I decided that I had to buy a suit. From Nigel's recommendation, Rm599 for a complete formal wear which includes a suit and a matching pants would be a great bargain, and according to him is dirt cheap, especially considering that it is an Italian Brand and the material is worth much more. Thinking that I don't have to spend much time to get it, drove to Crown Plaza and the moment I walked into the place, I was so sure that OK....my suit is settled. But life is full of surprises as it is. After scouting around the place, I finally found the suit shop and there it was...Closed!! So I thought, Ok maybe I should come back the next day. That was when I decided to walk closer to check out the suits and to my amazement, there were notices pasted all around the shop saying...

"Sorry,we are currently out of stock.
Please come back in December when we restock"

Amazed isn't the word but more likely flabbergasted. All my plans for the day to search for my other set of clothes vanished into thin air. It must have been the really good deal for a complete suit, which means every sane person would not only think of walking in to check out the suit on display but also considering to buy one for themselves. RM599 is really a good deal....

Left the place, disappointed feeling quite agitated at the same time and that was when the Golden Triangle beckons. I knew that this area would solve most of my shopping woes. Drove off to Sungei Wang and walked all the way into Lot 10 and checked out Isetan. Again there was SALE.... SALE.... SALE.... hanging from the ceiling all over the place. Without thinking much, went to the mens department and that was when I found it. Hanging all over the place was mens clothes and also suits, and I mean some really nice clothing. Then I found suits and I thought maybe I should get it first cause I thought the other clothing would be less painstaking to find. There was Padini, G2000, Bonia, Valentino Rudy and Sparkman Shop. Checked every brand out and found the Bonia to be the most fitting, comfortable and reasonably priced with an additional 50% discount which means that everything from the suit to the pants cost me less than 500 bucks which was great and all within the timespan of 1 hour. Looks like God was showing me the way to a better deal... Thank God

Then On Tuesday, I spent nearly 3 hours just to get a full white casual wear and a black pants all from Sub in Parkson which was again filled with tons of people doing some last minute Raya Shopping. Actually I didn't know that Sub would fit so nice onto me (that's because I know it's expensive so I don't usually look at it). I always thought that Sub was for the bad boys and it was floppy and a bit too kinky for me. Shopping at Parkson changed my perception of Sub. In fact there are some clothes which looks casual but too floppy and kinky. Some of the clothes have a very nice balance of formal and casual with a nice mix of trendy and showy thrown into it. Mind you though, it still isn't cheap even with the sale going on and the best think is, I can still wear those clothes after the show without feeling uncomfortable about it. That means less shopping in future and like they say..."Killing two birds with one stone"

The most problematic of them all was the black shirt and the shoes. I can't up make up my mind on what style should I wear, and that was when Sam told me ..."Strictly NO FORMAL, so that means something casual or with a good mixture of both plus showy on stage." That removes the trouble of looking for fromal wear. But I thought, ok I don't usually look good in Black. I don't have any formal black wear and the only ones I have are those IMU T-shirt which I have simply lost count of. Sam also mentioned..."No Pattern please, that is obvious on stage." but that adds more trouble to my shopping. A few days later and after searching at almost all retail shops which I'm familiar with, Edwin, Levis, MNG, Edmunser, G2000, Giordano...and all the countless retail outlets I've been to in Midvalley, Sungei Wang, Lot 10 and Times Square...though I hate it,I have to admit that only SUB offers the most variety of black clothing for formal, jinjang, selambe or casual wear.

With much apprehension, I went on to SUB again..and bought a black long sleeve with some vertical line patterns quite typical of SUB, which practically could not be worn in IMU , but for showy occasions like dinner or stage performance and it cost me quite a lot cause it was New in SUB, hence no discount from the Sales. So, it struck me at that very moment, how limited was my knowledge of shopping that I have to restrict myself to finding the right set of clothes on branded and expensive clothing. I'm feeling quite guilty now because the financial supplies wasn't of my own but of you know who. Maybe it's because I have to find everything by this holiday break before U starts again. SIGH or maybe because girls are just more adept at shopping. Does that mean that they shop more often??? Oh Whatever...

Then came shoes..Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Nearly everywhere I've been to, they would definitely be more retail outlets for ladies' shoes and much less and I mean restricted to sports shop and maybe Converse, Bata and some other weird retail outlet with funny looking shoes on sale. For this I have to conclude one thing base on the basic principle of science, Observation. Alright...forget the geeky part but isn't it true that choices of shoes for the sexes are disproportionately represented. There seems to be like a 80-20 percentage for girls versus guys. But if you rationalize, do you think guys will continuously buy shoes. To add on, guys shoes are so much more expensive that the ladies shoes. Some ladies shoes cost even Rm14.90 but for guys the cheapest is a Pallas Jazz looking very much like the school shoes which often turns less white as you wear it even with all the washing and whiteners. How much does a Pallas Jazz cost?? Rm49.90 which to me looks too plain for the show. Now you fellas out there must be wandering THEY ARE CHEAPER SHOES THAN THAT!!! Well that's because I have to find a darn shoe with lots of white and less of other colours especially striking colours. So finally at Bata in MidValley, I've found the perfect shoes for stage and casual wear looking all white with a trace of blue over it, hardly noticeable on stage especially when it's covered by the pants and it's on the side.

That ends the ranting on my shopping madness.....If you're bored I get it...but I just need to LET IT OUT!!!

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Thursday, October 26

My Role Model

Arthur Clifton Guyton was born in Oxford, Mississippi, to Dr. Billy S.
Guyton, a highly respected eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist, who later
became Dean of the University of Mississippi Medical School, and Kate Smallwood
Guyton, a mathematics and physics teacher who had been a missionary
in China before marriage.

During his formative years, Arthur enjoyed watching
his father work at the Guyton Clinic, playing chess and swapping stories with
William Faulkner, and building sailboats (one of which he later sold to
Faulkner). He also built countless mechanical and electrical devices, which he
continued to do throughout his life. His brilliance shone early as he graduated
top in his class at the University of Mississippi. He later distinguished himself
at Harvard Medical School and began his postgraduate surgical training at
Massachusetts General Hospital.

His medical training was interrupted twice—once to serve in the Navy during
World War II and again in 1946 when he was stricken with poliomyelitis during
his final year of residency training. Suffering paralysis in his right leg, left arm,
and both shoulders, he spent nine months in Warm Springs, Georgia, recuperating
and applying his inventive mind to building the first motorized wheelchair
controlled by a “joy stick,” a motorized hoist for lifting patients, special leg
braces, and other devices to aid the handicapped. For those inventions he
received a Presidential Citation.

He returned to Oxford where he devoted himself to teaching and research
at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and was named Chair of the
Department of Physiology in 1948. In 1951 he was named one of the ten outstanding
men in the nation. When the University of Mississippi moved its............

A Great Physiologist.
Arthur Guyton’s research contributions, which include
more than 600 papers and 40 books, are legendary and place him among the
greatest physiologists in history. His research covered virtually all areas of cardiovascular
regulation and led to many seminal concepts that are now an integral
part of our understanding of cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension,
heart failure, and edema. It is difficult to discuss cardiovascular physiology
without including his concepts of cardiac output and venous return, negative
interstitial fluid pressure and regulation of tissue fluid volume and edema....

A Master Teacher. Although Dr. Guyton’s research
accomplishments are legendary, his contributions as an
educator have probably had an even greater impact.
He and his wonderful wife Ruth raised ten children,
all of whom became outstanding physicians—a
remarkable educational achievement. Eight of the
Guyton children graduated from Harvard Medical
School, one from Duke Medical School, and one from
The University of Miami Medical School after receiving
a Ph.D. from Harvard. An article published in
Reader’s Digest in 1982 highlighted their extraordinary
family life.......

An Inspiring Role Model. Dr. Guyton’s accomplishments
extended far beyond science, medicine, and education.
He was an inspiring role model for life as well
as for science. No one was more inspirational or influential
on my scientific career than Dr. Guyton. He
taught his students much more than physiology—
he taught us life, not so much by what he said but by
his unspoken courage and dedication to the highest

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Monday, October 23

Celebrating Our Differences

Almost 50 years and counting, our country has definitely achieved a lot, thanks to our very great leaders. Despite this, many Malaysians/people I know; including me myself are guilty of complaining that Malaysia still lacks in many areas, which is true in maybe some but not all. To name one, our education system; which to me is just a mess. Training our students to score as many As as possible and attend more tuition classes but still are unable to think for themselves. Despite this, we should be thankful that Malaysia is a peaceful and prosperous country. Unfortunately most of us need to be reminded about this when our neighbours, Indonesia and Thailand are having so much political and civil problems.

What is truly great about Malaysia is that we are a truly rich and diverse nation. But most of us, sometimes forget that we have come a long way to achieve this. Foreigners have always pointed out that our biggest strength lies in our rich and colourful diversity. This time around the double festive celebration for which most of us call it Deeparaya is one example. Deepavali, or the Festival of Lights and Hari Raya Aidilfitri are jointly celebrated due to its close proximity with each other this year. Sure, it is a Malaysian culture to celebrate two festivals together especially in the already well-known Open House concept where sometimes thousands of people from all walks of life; young and old; come and enjoy a meal together. But in most countries, where there is racial divide and civil unrest, it is impossible to have such celebrations.

Recently there was a great uproar on a comment saying that it is wrong to send greeting cards to a person of other faiths for fear of diminishing their own. Strange as it seems, this comment came from a well-educated Muslim who by right should have understood that there is absolutely nothing wrong making friends or fostering closer relationships with people of other beliefs. Isn't this indirectly implying that all this while when Muslims and the other races gather for a double festive celebration, they become less Muslim or they have commited a sin?

In a quote from our Prime Minister....

"Loving one another and respecting neighbours and friends irrespective of their religions are in line with Islamic teachings."
Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

On another front, if a Buddhist is invited to have a meal with a Christian, does that mean that, the Christian would be less Christian and will the Buddhist be less Buddhist. NO..... The more important issue here is the differences that makes us unique, because I belief that it is in this differences that we can learn how to embrace our multi-ethnicity and strengthen our mutual understanding of one another. It is by this means where racial integration can be fostered, which I believe has been our greatest achievement. It is through racial tolerance which has bonded all of us despite our religious and cultural differences and thus as a result promote peace and encourage development in our country. Thankfully the ones who pose a threat to racial unity are a minority.

It is in this festive mood where we should all reflect on the importance of living together in harmony which sets us apart from most countries. As our Prime Minister says....

"Let us celebrate this festive season in a spirit that would spur us to progress together and strengthen relations between the various races, not only based on the spirit of tolerance but more than that, based on mutual respect and trust."

Prime Minister,
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi


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Sunday, October 22

Rombongan to KLPac

Main entrance to KLPac and KLPac from far .......

Entrance to KLPac and KLPac close-up

Pentas 1 inside

The Hallway

The entire purpose of the rombongan was to test the mic which is supposedly one of the most expensive wireless mics around, and so we are gonna use them in the upcoming show. Me, Mimi, Nigel, Yu Ling, Cheryl and Zal were there trying out while the rest were MIA with work and other responsibilities going on. Finally went backstage and can start imagining when our props and lights goes up for the show. Can start imagining the proposed "light corridor", spotlights and "corridor of light" emanating from the ceiling or backstage from our staging that Michael was talking about.

In fact, an early trip to KLPac did give me a early impression on how we will look like on stage. Exposed and Vulnerable if we slack like mad. Fantastic and Entertaining if we do well.

Finally we started testing them, sang a few songs to try to tell the difference between the expensive and the cheaper one. Can't hear a darn difference between the two from the bottom. Supposedly the cheaper one had some little buzzing/static going on when we sang together which was especially obviously higher up.

The rombongan ended up with us feeling rather indecisive on the mics we should use, basically because the rental is not cheap and sound was the issue. But you know what I think, let's just focus on our singing and staging and worry about it later.

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Friday, October 20

Something Very Interesting

Came across a notice at a flower shop today. If you're thinking of giving roses to a significant other or someone special, chances are, you might think of the number of roses you want to buy (and that is if you buy roses!!!) and the recipient might ask why 50 or why 100 or why 500 or why 10?? So this(the notice)may give you the answer....

1 Rose
Exceptional love all concentrated on you.

2 Roses
Two of us deeply in love.

3 Roses
I love you.

6 Roses
I want to be yours.

9 Roses
Love each other eternally.

11 Roses
You are the one I love most in my life.

12 Roses
Satisfactory union and mutual affinity.

13 Roses
Secret admirer.

24 Roses
Remember fondly every moment
(24 hours cannot forget you).

33 Roses
Saying "I love you" with PROFOUND LOVE.

36 Roses
Feeling romantic attachment because you come to me.

44 Roses
Constant unchangeable pledge.

50 Roses
This is "Regretless Love".

56 Roses
My love.

66 Roses
Successful love affair.

99 Roses
Love with understanding makes love eternal.

101 Roses
No other love but you.

108 Roses
Please marry me!

111 Roses
Eternal love.

123 Roses
Free love.

144 Roses
Loving you day and night eternally.

365 Roses
Thinking of you everyday, love you everyday.

999 Roses
Everlasting and eternal love.

1001 Roses
Faithful love, 'till forever

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Everything's Fine....

Oooh... Thank God the tumour is benign though it was Stage 3. Medic students/doctors should know what I mean. My aunty is now recuperating and recovering well. Hmmm, i really want to see the 6" by 5" by 4" growth. It will be really interesting!!

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Thursday, October 19

Just doing my part...

Recently a member of my family has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I just feel that I have to do my part to spread the word on ovarian cancer. Since there are non-medical readers visiting this blog, I should spare them the intricate details and medical jargon relevant to this subject. So Ladies, please read on...Guys, get educated!!!

Ovarian Tumours

There are basically two common origins
  1. epithelial, the outer layer of an ovary
  2. germ cells, the part of the ovary where your ovum(egg) is made.
Epidemiological studies
  • Ovarian Tumours affect predominantly postmenopausal women, ie around 50-60 yrs
  • Ovarian cancer is a disease that principally affects middle and upper-class women in industrialized nations.
  • One of the most common cancers affecting women especially those who are unmarried
Ovarian Tumour Info
Ovarian tumours have a high mortality rate, mainly because symptoms don't show up, usually presents as a buldge on your tummy. Therefore mortality rate can be high as 70% because at the time when it is diagnosed, it's already spread to your other organs around your abdominal and pelvic area.


  • Sense of pelvic heaviness
  • Vague lower abdominal discomfort
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Unexplained back pain that worsens over time
  • Increased abdominal girth
  • Non-specific gastrointestinal symptom
    • Increased gas
    • Indigestion

There are marked differences in survival among patients with ovarian cancer, depending on factors such as age, cancer stage, and tissue type. Younger patients tend to fare better in all stages than do older patients, whereas race does not play a factor.

Ovarian tumours which are complicated by forming deposits on your peritoneum(peritoneal implants); basically your inner abdominal wall will have a poor prognosis.


Treatment for Ovarian Tumour varies and depends on the stage of cancer, type of tumour, age of patient. Treatment varies from
  • Excision/Removal of ovaries
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy

  • SO LADIES Get full body health checkups at least once a year, if not twice. Please do PAP Smears especially those who are married and above 30 years old. Though PAP smear is not diagnostic for ovarian tumour but it does reveal abnormalities that are tell-tale signs of Cervical Cancer, another major cancer affecting Ladies.

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    Wednesday, October 18

    The Top 5 Pick up Lines...???

    This is something which I pick up from LIME magazine...and they call it the Top 5 pick up lines:

    1. "I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you."
    2. "You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy"
    3. "What's your name?"
    4. "See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute"
    5. "So what haven't you been told tonight?"

    Ok...I'm not a girl but frankly, I find those top pick up lines rather cheesy and a bit lame...sorry maybe I'm a guy so I wouldn't understand. This is what I would reply/respond if I'm the girl and some guy came up to me and use them.
    1. Stare at guy blankly or surprised with eyes/"Ahah....."/"And?..."
    2. "Very Funny..."
    3. Bryan/Is this a trick question??
    4. "What?..." with a rather puzzled facial expression/NO or YES/If I'm in a bad mood I show him the L
    5. I suppose if I'm the girl and got played into it or if the guy is a hunk I would say "I look great...?" but if I feel indifferent, I might just say "Tell Me..."
    So for me, if a guy picks a list from the so-called Top 5 Pick-Up Lines there, I would maybe play along if he chooses the 1st and the last one. HAHA :)

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