Wednesday, May 18

Unique Article Wizard – Article Marketing On Steroids?

Unique Article Wizard – Article Marketing On Steroids?

In my quest to build backlinks for my niche sites, there area number of viable options that I’ve come across and one of them is article marketing. Despite the recent Google Panda Update, article marketing is not dead. And if you articles are build in moderation and not in huge blasts then your sites won’t have problem. They might be arguments for and against this, but my personal opinion is that this is by far one of the easiest ways to let the search engines pick up your sites. If you are someone who relies heavily on passive search engine traffic then this is the way to go otherwise it would take ages for your sites to catch up.

But… I still have my doubts. And the recent Google Panda Update has made me a little cautious and even a little bit cynical about article marketing  submission service.

The first thing I asked myself was that I don’t want to spend hundreds of hours optimizing and actively searching for traffic on these sites as I have much better things to do like maintaining this blog and my other sites. After going through a list of services like SEOLinkVine, MyArticleNetwork, I finally decided to give Unique Article Wizard a go since a lot of respected and reputable marketers chose this over the rest.

I want to see it with my own eyes if it works well.


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