Monday, February 21

Practical Ways to Write and Get More Eyeballs

Ok, judging from the the number of posts I’ve written plus the many articles I’ve submitted to article directories, guest posting and all the miscellaneous articles around the web, you would think that I’ve already mastered the art of writing right? Well, not really. I don’t consider myself a good writer. I’ve read better writers out there.

Before you start thinking that this is going to be another post about “scheduling… write for humans, not SERP, standing out of the crowd…blah blah”, rest assured that this post won’t head into that direction. There are more than enough posts telling you what to do already.

Loosen Up, Stop Being Pedantic

You don’t need a dictionary or a degree in literature to write a blog post. What you need to do is to start writing whenever you have ideas flowing from your head. Stop inhibiting yourself from the way people expect you to write and just write something out. Although what I’m saying sounds like I’m telling you to write whatever that comes out of your mind, sometimes all you need is a little bit of freedom to express yourselves. You see sometimes we are just so pressured to write what others expect, it’s a real creativity killer. Ideas flow better when you are less inhibited and when you stop being pedantic with your grammar.

A great way to put this into practice is to start writing something whenever you have a great idea that comes to your head. Here the option, is to either jot it down or do something more about it. Why not write a blog post or another article? Well this option isn’t so bad if you have good ideas to share with your readers, isn’t it?

When You Write, Take Action
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