Saturday, February 26

Top 2 Accessories For Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver

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Top 2 Accessories For Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver

The Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS Receiver

The Garmin Forerunner
305 GPS receiver
heart rate monitor represents one of the best if not the best
model in recent times compared to its previous generations of GPS heart monitor
receivers like the Garmin Forerunner 301. With good functioning features, such
as accurate wireless heart monitoring, performance tracking and decent GPS
tracking coupled with the affordable price, it is fast becoming the favourite
heart monitoring wrist watch device for fitness enthusiasts and long distance runners.

To make the
wrist watch heart monitoring device even more attractive, it also comes with
great accessories to complement your training routines and allow on the go
training. Let’s have a look at them:

Garmin GSC 10 Speed/Cadence Bike Sensor

Another great addition to the Garmin
Forerunner 305 is the Speed or Cadence Bike Sensor. This kit comes in
three basic parts; a sensor unit, which is about the size of a matchbox, and
two magnets about the size of your pinky nail. There are also several zip-ties
included for mounting purposes. Installation is pretty straightforward,
but you must follow the directions carefully and don't snug down the zip-ties
until you have got all three components just where you want them and have
tested the system! I won’t bore you with too much
details about installation but the guide is pretty useful in telling you what
to do.


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Goals and Achievements For The Year | New Year Resolution Tasks

February is fast approaching the end. Your 2 months of the year is almost up. Have you started accomplishing the tasks on your New Year resolution list? Or is it just a distant thing of the past that has now been left at the corner of your room, waiting for the next New Year before you start doing something (hopefully) again?

Now let’s talk specifically about the things you want to do for your online business. There are really heaps and heaps of things on the internet that I’m sure you must know already. But are you stuck in the cycle of going through all of that again?

Back To School

I’m digressing a little here but let me talk to you how it was like at school for me. Now you see, when I was in school there were heaps and heaps of subjects to learn. Everything from Maths, Language, Physics to Biology was part of my curriculum when I was in Secondary School. Obviously I’ve known that I wanted to do something related to science and at that time if you were unsure what you wanna do in your life, taking the science stream is the best choice.

you there
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Thursday, February 24

Which is Better? A Website Or A Blog?

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One of the biggest dilemmas people face especially those who
are just in the midst of knowing the ins and outs of internet marketing is the
use of either a website or a blog for their business. Unfortunately the internet is full of misleading
about starting a niche website, starting a blog or starting a
website that it can be really confusing for the average Joe. It is really
difficult to ascertain which is more important.

One thing remains true. It remains a fact that to setup any
e-commerce or online business of their own, a website or a blog must exist to
inform people what their business is all about. But which is better? Let me
explain to you in the next section.

Let’s Start With Websites First

a website remains a very reasonable choice to explain what your website is
all about. Let us assume that you have a wedding photography business where you
work from home. You realize that you are new and that you really want to get
the word out there and by far the easiest way to do this is to tell your
potential clients what you are all about through a website.

As you might already know, a wedding photography website can
include the wedding packages, contact, gallery photos and of course your
biography. There are heaps more you can include on a wedding photography
website but these are some of the most important things you need to include in
your website.

But let me tell you the disadvantage of having just a website.


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Wednesday, February 23

The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Blog Must Be SEO Optimized

The original idea behind blogging was to share your thoughts and feelings in the world wide web. But it wasn’t long before savvy internet marketers realized that a blog is the perfect tool for building a relationship and networking with their customers or visitors.

With the economic downturn the importance of having a personal relationship with your customers is absolutely vital. But the world of blogging and social media is a funny thing. Look at how many bloggers are spending more time building (or auto-building) their Twitter following and ignoring valuable comments on their blogs. I know you’ve seen this on at least a few big blogs.

Using your blog is about sharing your passion for your blog topic with the world. It’s about interaction and communication. SEO, however, is always seen as being a bit sterile, so all too often bloggers don’t pay attention to the SEO basics that are critical.

There are 3 really good reasons why you should be paying at least some attention to the SEO aspects of your blog:


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Monday, February 21

Practical Ways to Write and Get More Eyeballs

Ok, judging from the the number of posts I’ve written plus the many articles I’ve submitted to article directories, guest posting and all the miscellaneous articles around the web, you would think that I’ve already mastered the art of writing right? Well, not really. I don’t consider myself a good writer. I’ve read better writers out there.

Before you start thinking that this is going to be another post about “scheduling… write for humans, not SERP, standing out of the crowd…blah blah”, rest assured that this post won’t head into that direction. There are more than enough posts telling you what to do already.

Loosen Up, Stop Being Pedantic

You don’t need a dictionary or a degree in literature to write a blog post. What you need to do is to start writing whenever you have ideas flowing from your head. Stop inhibiting yourself from the way people expect you to write and just write something out. Although what I’m saying sounds like I’m telling you to write whatever that comes out of your mind, sometimes all you need is a little bit of freedom to express yourselves. You see sometimes we are just so pressured to write what others expect, it’s a real creativity killer. Ideas flow better when you are less inhibited and when you stop being pedantic with your grammar.

A great way to put this into practice is to start writing something whenever you have a great idea that comes to your head. Here the option, is to either jot it down or do something more about it. Why not write a blog post or another article? Well this option isn’t so bad if you have good ideas to share with your readers, isn’t it?

When You Write, Take Action
take massive action
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Friday, February 18

To Succeed Online, Knowledge is Important But Understanding it is FAR MORE Important

After blogging for a year, have I learned a lot?

Of course I did learn a lot. Here is the problem – learning from a mountainous pile of information is certainly daunting and not easy. Imagine trying to sift through the immense garbage scattered across the internet with random articles to read which somehow seems disjointed if you try to piece the puzzles together.

I think the problem becomes worse when there are heaps of people claiming to be experts and I can’t help but pity the newbie who stumbles across an “expert” website who claims to know everything.

What I do realize after being online for a year is this. You really don’t need to know everything. What you need to know is the right thing. But trying to know the right thing is equally difficult.

So this is what I think everyone should do. Before you launch into a frenzy of commenting, blog hopping, social bookmarking, article writing, link building…..etc STOP and think!

stop and think
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Monday, February 14

Alternative Tool to OptimizePress for Squeeze Page Templates

On my previous post, I’ve mentioned briefly on creating your very own squeeze page. You might also wonder if there is just too much work involved in creating one. In fact it does take quite a bit of your time! Creating a squeeze page that is unique and interesting takes even more time and energy.

The Question is DO YOU HAVE THE TIME?

Most of the time you will answer NO.

The reality is that most people aren’t fooled by ugly looking sales page although content might be one of the greatest pulling factor to attract attention. Content might be important but neglecting design is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make.

I’ll show you in this post a product that will take the pain off designing and implementing your squeeze page. If you don’t have the funds to get OptimizePress then this is something you should consider.

The most important component for this product is the squeeze page templates. Premium Squeeze Page Templates comes with approximately 180 squeeze page templates.

180 squeeze page templates might sound like a lot but truthfully there are not as many unique squeeze page templates in this product.

Squeeze page templates can be divided into 4 different types so to speak. There are the:

  • Simple Series
  • Elegant Series
  • Professional Series
  • Grunge Series

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Thursday, February 3

Is NO One Commenting On Your Blog?

Every now and then, bloggers have to face some challenges. I believe some of the biggest complains are poor traffic, not making enough money, or they are just not too many comments. Well for me egos aside, I think the biggest issue is that I feel that they’re not many people leaving comments.

It has improved a bit but after an accidental feedback and stumbling across a great post about this matter, I’ve came to realize certain things about blogging and my blog in general.

Addressing the Biggest Blogging Myth of All Time

One of the biggest blogging debates ever is to address this question?

Is content really king?”

I do agree content is really important and it is even more important now than ever to have great content because of the stiff competition we face on the blogosphere. The trouble is when there’s so much great content right now, it’s quite impossible to go after all the great content, let alone learn anything from each of them.


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