Sunday, February 19

Discovering me.....

Just as i was surfing some of my friends blog sites, i noticed a few of them had been doing some soul-searching, in the sense of discovering who they really are, what they should do in their career based on some personality tests. Interesting as it may sound, i took the liberty of doing some of these personality tests at the well known, Tickle

But before going into some of those tests that i take, to my surprise those friends of mine who actually took the test, actually discovered that their true potential lies more in the arts instead of science. One is doing medicine and the other biotechnology. According to their results from the personality tests, their true talent is in creativity, imagination and abstract thinking. One of my friend, even had literature!! How does that sound? Now common sense would tell you that literature and biotechnology don't mix at all. One will be a Shakespeare study and the other would be molecular chemistry, drugs and mind-boggling facts which does not seem to stop increasing by the day.

Clearly, the result told them that their career prospect does not lie in medical world or scientific research. More likely, an interior designer, a poet and artist, whatever.....

And so what did Tickle tell me. Ok so i did not take all the premium test. Those who have been there will know what i mean.

First, what job is right for me, I was pretty amazed, if not shocked. Well, whatever it is, i hope that the report on rightjob/wrong job can be trusted. My first job, most recommended by them is.....and ARCHITECT.I was like OMG, what the crap, did i answer my questions correctly, or weas my mind fiddling with my thoughts to get me to click the " correct " answer. Whatever it is, Tickle has a good reputation for having professionals preparing the questionnaires for people who seek to know more about themselves. And so architect was the first, so wha's next...nothing to do with medicine though. This is it:

a) Graphic artist
b) Film editor
c) Creative writer
d) Interior designer
e) Commercial Artist
f) Musician

Did you see Doctor there....No... Ok so now what??... Did I just screw my future heading into the wrong field or worse burned up close to 100k for my medical education, when I actually could use it to study those courses, having more than enough money to study each of those courses and graduating with still enough money to buy a car of my own...Ok not a Honda, probably a Kelisa. Whatever it is, I dunno whether or not I am in the same shoes as my friends. Still Lost seeking to find their true identity, who they really are, who they should be, doctor or engineer or lawyer??? I'm sure most of you out there especially Malaysians who are still studying, would have thought the same.

Now who's fault is it? Is it our parents, for trying to endlessly remind us whereby you have to be in a professional course like a lawyer, an engineer, a doctor to be truly successful and earn respect from others. Now that is what the parents wish for on their side... What about on their children's point of view? Is it the same. Do they really want to be doctors or do they want to be someone else. OK cut the rhetoric speech ere.... Time for me to fill in..

As for me, I have never thought of any other career prospects other than being a scientist, a doctor or and engineer. Ok no lawyer... BUT still professional and still highly respected. In my mind I always thought that you know if you could be one of those one day, you will be great, successful, rich, earn big bucks, own a big house and a nice car. The thought of that still drives me and motivate me to do what I am doing be a good doctor. Was it an inate thing, where my mind has been genetically enginnered to think that way or was it my parents who had become professionals in influencing me how to think at an early age...and it goes like this..YOu know son, being a doctor is really godd, if not be an engineer la... if you become day...I'll be really happy for you. And my most likely reply would be ar....OK la..

God knows whether i truly know what a doctor does when I am still an innocent toddler still ignorant and blissful about the world surrounding me. I wander if those "rich, big bucks, big cars or big house" was actually inseminated by my parents...WELL only God knows.

So great what do i do now, go on with life and move with the flow. Sounds like a happy-go-lucky kinda guy. No. I'm not like that but I would love to think like that. Actually I dunno what to do, I know I'm good in Maths, remembering things and so far medical studies hasn't been all that hard except for ocassionaly sleepness nights, baggy eyes, and hard work. Still fine with me. And for those out there who happen to think of doctor, well sleepness nights, hard work and baggy eyes is part of the package, except if you are a machine whose mind works like a P4 processor or a dual core processor. Whatever.......

Probably, I should just go ahead with my studies and let God help me on the way. Of course you don't need to see patients all your life of being a doctor. There are always other opportunities like lecturers, researchers, medical journalism...the list goes

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