Saturday, January 29

My Niche Site Experiment – Finding My Way in the Keyword Jungle


Of course there are many niches available out there but it all boils down to a number of things that are very important which has significantly influenced why I chose the heart rate monitor niche.

It’s all about filtering

Search Volume


Commercial Value

I’ve taken the Amazon route to building my niche sites thanks to some friendly influence (from you know who…). Amazon sites are pretty easy to create (if you have the right tools) and they have great monetizing potential. One of the things you have to notice about Amazon is that it’s like a mega marketplace.  Almost anything can be purchased here. To make things easy, features like related searches, related products, bestselling products, cheapest to most expensive products are the norm.

amazon related searches
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Thursday, January 27

My Niche Site Experiment – Choosing a Niche

Niche site building is something I’ve been talking about doing in my goals this year but its only recently that I’ve managed to spend some time going through the process of creating one. After spending time reading and surfing around blogs, I’ve discovered that there are a gazillion different ways you can approach this matter and it can get really confusing. After much thinking, I’ve decided to choose a method that is practical and more methodical.

What Niche Products Have I Thought Of?

Coming from a health background, I’ve decided to go around searching for specific health niches that are profitable, those that I am familiar with and of course those that I have some knowledge. I must admit again that I’ve been doing a week of research trying to find good niches before jumping head on into it. Not having done any niche sites before, it was quite a challenge but if it wasn’t for a number of tools I use, I wouldn’t be able to put all of it together and narrow down to a specific niche.

Niches I’ve thought about:

niche site from scratch
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Tuesday, January 25

Who Are The Internet Experts?

In the blogging world today, there are lots of experts and lots of “experts” too. Now who are we listening to?

As I hop from blog to blog, I begin to realize that there are plenty of those who claim that their methods work and claim that the other methods don’t work. Although there is some level of agreement with what to do to succeed online, there are lots of them who claim that some methods work and some don’t work for them very well.

Today I decided to do something different and just list down the three different kinds of experts out there..

1. The True Expert

2.The Expert Through Experience
3. The Wannabe Experts
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Friday, January 21

Afraid Of Getting Banned By Google Adsense?

A lot of people report being banned for unnecessary issues and things they never did. But who is there to defend them. Google’s Adsense Team seems to make more money when they find violators than anything else; they are always looking for violators to ‘side-track’. After taking the pains to setup a good ad site, we definitely don’t want all these efforts blown into the thin air for some useless reasons. Therefore, it is better to play the good boy and observe every single rule without which we might become potential suspects. No, it is not hard to understand, not when you have a simplified guide like the ones listed below.

Tips That Will Keep You Out Of Google’s Black-Book

The use of autosurf programs in a site that contain Adsense ads is considered a crime. These programs are designed to increase website traffic, Adsense page view, ECPM, etc. It is therefore a violation of the Adsense policies.

The experience I got through my blog, VeryBestSoftware.Net, taught me that traffic exchange networks and programs are potential banning traps. Keep your Adsense site free from such. Once Google suspects a group of people visiting one another’s sites or making clicks, that is a go. Any fraudulent activity meant to increase site traffic, page view or ecpm is strictly prohibited by Google.


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Wednesday, January 19

Link Building Recipe: Bad Ingredients That Spoil The Pot

Following my previous post on choosing the right link building ingredients, this is the next post on using the wrong link building strategies for your website. These are definitely bad bad ingredients that spoil the pot more so than before, given that Google and a lot of search engines are becoming more stringent with the quality of links. A lot of these may be obvious but I’ll reiterate this for the benefits of my readers.

I call the first 3 ones the “Wicked Trio”. These are obvious ones and so you should ensure that they don’t ruin your website!

bad link building
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Sunday, January 16

Link Building Recipe – Picking the Quality Ingredients

Links, links, links. Does everyone focus on getting backlinks?

Before you read my handpicked ingredients, please check out this mini guide on the type of links

Quality Ingredient #1

Gradual Link Building

Quality Ingredient #2

DoFollow and NoFollow Links

Quality Ingredient #3

Anchor Text

Quality Ingredient #4

Diversify Your Link Sources

Quality Ingredient #5

Page Location

Quality Ingredient #6

Deep Linking

Your Thoughts??

So what do you think of this recipe? Is it complete or is there any that you like to add or change. Let me know as I will compile a recipe for all to take away on a PDF soon!


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Monday, January 10

Goal Setting – What’s Harder, Doing it or Setting It?

I’ve made a previous post asking my readers what they want to see on my blog for the new year and I’ve got some pretty good and constructive comments.

Most of them were commenting about changing the top banner and doing something about the top banner ad. I’ve got a few comments on navigation but I get the feeling that people are generally happy with the way this blog looks. Over the past year it has been quite a ride for myself. I’ve been blogging for less than a year and I must admit that it is a big challenge. Not for lazy people (sorry for being blunt) and definitely not for those with wishful thinking of making big money.

Intros aside but these are some goals which I’ve set for myself.

Blog Redesign
Disconnecting the Internet
Creating Ebooks
Recurring Revenue
Creating Niche Sites
Work Hard
Getting My Work Out
80/20 Rule
Working on My List

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Friday, January 7

Decluttering Your Workspace The Ordinary & The Geeky Way

Working on a difficult workspace can be the most annoying thing for me especially when there are piles of stuff scattered at random locations on my work desk. I must admit I like having a big workspace with lots of room to put things while I work on my blog. There aren’t too many thing to keep me company on my work desk while I work on my blog save for a good old notebook or diary of ideas that I have to give me the ideas to blog.

But while I started blogging a couple of months ago, I had too many distractions from the clutter and ideas just fizzle off whenever I look at them. I didn’t actually realize it had much to do with my productivity until I decided one fine day to just clear all the useless junk away and keep relevant things close.

So this is what I did..

1. Choose what you need

2. Redo Your Workspace

3. Don’t Forget Your Furniture

4. Commitment to Regular Cleaning & Decluttering

Tools, Tools, Tools!

I’m sure you guys love tools to help you manage task online. If you wanna take the geeky approach to managing your productivity and organizing your tasks, the read on!

Here are 2 GREAT tools to use and best of all they are both FREE!

Remember the Milk

You need to sign up (free) to make use of it. You can take a tour of visit their website for more details.


This is also another great and fantastic tool to use. They brag about managing every tiny detail just by using their services.


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